36th CYCLE
11-12 January2021
Alessandro Lisi
Comprendere le relazioni tra economia di sussistenza, diversità dei recettori dei geni del gusto amaro (TAS2R) e malaria da P. falciparum in Africa occidentale
tutor Prof. G. Destro Bisol
Roberto Giovannini
Bioresources for soil quality: microbial species application for restoring soil quality in co-contaminated sites
Tutor: A.M. Persiani
Tullia Riccardi
Effectiveness of the Management Models of Protected Areas in Southern Africa: Examining the Link between Local Communities and Savannah Ecosystems
Tutor F. Attorre
Agnes Bernis Fonteneau
The utility of crop and livestock intraspecific diversity within agro ecosystem to improve ecosystem services, agricultural productivity and resilience
Tutor F. Attorre
Lorenzo Attili
A new hybrid zone between Robertsonian races of House Mouse, Mus domesticus: focus on chromosomal and molecular aspects
Tutor R. Castiglia
Chiara Mancino
Some like it hot (or not?): global changes and conservation of cheloniidae in the Mediterranean sea
Tutor L. Maiorano
Lisa Tedeschi
Ecology, spread and impacts of invasive alien mammals in Europe
Tutor C.  Rondinini
Elisa Nocella
Venomous liaisons: investigating the molecular basis of the trophic relationship between corals and corallivorous snails
Tutor M. Oliverio, M.V. Modica
Lorenzo Maria Iozia
Variabilità intraspecifica di uno spettro di tratti funzionali nelle piante arbustive del Mediterraneo in risposta all’aridità
Tutor L. Varone
Biagio Minio
Remote Sensing Forest Phenology and Global Changes
Tutor C. Ricotta, S. Bajocco
Tommaso Valente
Understanding pathways of microplastics through marine food webs: Developing a system perspective to achieve a more suitable risk assessment and to drive an effective management policy
Tutor M.L. Costantini, D. Ventura; Matiddi
Martina Perez
Climate change and co-occurring disturbance effects on the Mediterranean coastal forest ecosystems undergone to several management and socio-economic conditions
Tutor M. Vitale

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