
PhD Programme in Environmental and Evolutionary Biology

This PhD is shaped as an integrated scientific approach in the bio-naturalistic field, in relation to the 4 curricula in which it is divided: Anthropology, Animal Biology, Botany, Ecological Sciences.

The issues addressed move within the common evolutionary framework and are strongly interconnected, also in the light of complex system of structural and functional relationships between animals, plants, microorganisms and the abiotic environment.

Training is offered aimed at building skills in biological, natural, environmental and agri-food sciences, as well as in sciences applied to cultural heritage, training highly qualified professionals, capable of autonomously designing and carrying out basic and applied research.

Projects are mainly developed in anthropology, evolutionary and applied biology, biochemistry and physiology, molecular genetics, animal and plant ecology, systemic ecology, human ecology and bioarcheology, ethology, conservation biology and ecological modeling, morpho-anatomy, paleoanthropology, primatology, services ecosystems, environmental sustainability, agri-food development, taxonomy and systematics. The activities of the PhD course also include national and international collaborations, with a high scientific profile.

Curriculum Anthropology

Reference person: prof. Giovanni Destro-Bisol

Its object of study is the natural history of the human species, concerning its origin, biological evolution, and biodiversity, in relation to the variability of the order Primates and the interaction with historical and archaeological contexts as well as with changing environments. 

Curriculum Animal Biology

Reference person: prof.Moreno Di Marco

It covers the main aspects of animal biology, relating to animal phylogeny, theory and practice of biological systematics, microevolution and macroevolution, descriptive aspects of the functional level and interpretative aspects in an adaptive key of invertebrates and vertebrates.

Curriculum Botany

Reference person: prof. Massimo Reverberi

He is interested in the various fields of plant biology, with research on biotechnological innovation and human health, plant pathology, systematics of current and fossil plants, ecosystem services of plants, studies on drugs of natural origin and on biologically active products. 

Curriculum Ecological Sciences

Reference person: prof. Marcello Vitale

It addresses issues of environmental complexity, with particular emphasis to the analysis, monitoring and representation through models of the structural characteristics, mechanisms and processes that underlie the functioning of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.


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