Jonathan Lunine - Looking for Life across the Solar System

In its 2019 Strategy for Astrobiology, the US National Academy wrote "Are we alone in the universe? Sages and scientists, philosophers and poets have posed variants of this question since time immemorial. Today, we are formulating research programs that may someday provide an answer.” What are those research programs? Where and how do we search for life? Specifically in our solar system, there are several planets or moons that have environments which could support life or at one time might have. I will discuss three of the best locales--Mars, Europa, Enceladus—and describe concepts and plans for spacecraft missions to further explore the potential of these places for life—and to actually search there for signs of life.

21 Febbraio 2023

The seminar will be held in room 12, at 3pm

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma