Funding opportunities for PhD students' scientific research


Funding opportunities for PhD students' scientific research

Every year Sapienza University publishes calls for funding dedicated to research and outreach activities, which are also open to research fellows, postgraduates and PhD students.

Here it is a list of funding opportunities you find on the Sapienza website, where there are also specific regulations for each one. Deadlines for the next year will be published on this website.

BANDO DI ATENEO PER LA RICERCA, which provides for the funding of Start-up Research projects, aimed at supporting the development of international careers, the scientific independence of young researchers and the support of their research.

Research fellows, postgraduates, and the PhD students in their first, second and third year can apply for this call.

There are two funding size classes:
- Type 1 - Projects with an amount from € 1,000.00 to € 2,000.00, reserved for the phd students in the 1st and 2nd year of their course, the research fellows (type 1), the postgraduates in their first three years of their training. The proposal may also be joined by a second member, provided they belong to the following categories: PhD students, research fellows, postgraduates.
- Type 2 - Projects with an amount from € 2,000.00 to € 4,000.00, reserved for the research fellows (type 2 ) or fellows (type 1) who have already completed their PhD, the postgraduates who have completed their three-year specialisation course, the PhD students in their third year. The proposal may also be joined by a second member, provided they belong to the following categories: PhD students, research fellows, postgraduates.

BANDO AVVIO ALLA TERZA MISSIONE, with a duration of 12 months, for projects submitted by PhD students, postgraduates, and research fellows, also in collaboration with each other, with a maximum grant per project of € 15,000.00.

BANDO PER LA MOBILITA’ DEI DOTTORANDI, which provides for the financing of mobility periods for study and research abroad dedicated to the phd students regularly enrolled in Sapienza doctoral courses of certain cycles; for example, the last call was reserved for the PhD students of the XXXVII and XXXVIII cycles.
“Mobility periods" mean study or research stays at public or private, academic or non-academic institutions, with registered office and location in a foreign country, of a duration of 3 months.
The monthly amount paid to each PhD student is € 700.00 for the PhD students with a scholarship; € 1,800.00 for the PhD students without scholarship.

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