Experimental-applicative Seminars – “international workshop”

Research workshop abroad and in coordination with other international institutions which will host the missions of PhD candidate groups, agreed upon on through joint ventures.

The experience corresponds to a series of experiences in the size of international seminars, with experimental applications organized in the PhD structures, with workshops abroad and in coordination with the other international institutions which welcome the missions composed by PhD candidate groups (to be planned and agreed upon jointly).
The seminars and workshops will be proposed by the PhD coordinator, by the curricula coordinators, and by the Doctoral Committee members who wish to participate, without have recourse to curricula distinction.
The above-mentioned activities have an experimental-applicative character and are aimed at the development of experimental research aptitude, at the identification of the research product and the complex research/project relationship. Hence, they are shared by all the PhD students of the cycle, who are required to conduct both theoretical-methodologic and operative-instrumental-applied activities, working and cooperating transversally with the three curricula also in this case.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma