Autonomous exploration of small and large bodies of the solar system requires the development of a new class of intelligent systems capable of integrating in real-time stream of sensor data and autonomously take optimal decisions. Over the past few years, there has been an explosion of machine learning techniques involving the use of deep neural networks to solve a variety of problems ranging from object detection to image recognition and natural language processing. The recent success of deep learning is due to concurrent advancement of fundamental understanding on how to train deep architectures, the availability of large amount of data and critical advancements in computing power (use of GPUs). One can ask how such techniques can be employed to provide integrated and closed loop solutions for space autonomy as well as Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC). In this talk we discuss the fundamentals of deep reinforcement learning and meta-learning (“learn-to-learn) and their application to GNC in a variety of scenarios relevant to space exploration.
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at 6:00pm (Italian time)
Roberto Furfaro is currently Full Professor at the Department of Systems and Industrial Engineering, Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Arizona. He is also the Director of the Space Situational Awareness Arizona (SSA-Arizona) Initiative and currently the PI of the AFRL Cooperative Agreement. He published more than 60 peer-reviewed journal papers and more than 200 conference papers and abstracts. He is technical member of the AIAA Astrodynamics Committee, AAS Space Surveillance Committee, and former member of the AAS Space Flight Mechanics Committee. In 2010-2016, he was the systems engineering lead for the Science Processing and Operations Center of the NASA OSIRIS meet.google.com/fyg-xgcy-uyh
REx Asteroid Sample Return Mission. He is currently the lead for the target follow-up team of the recently selected NASA NEO Surveyor Mission. For his contribution to space missions, the asteroid 2003 WX3 was renamed 133474 Roberto Furfaro.