COURSE - Ultrasonic bulk and guided wave propagation in classical and non-classical continua

Being able to handle wave propagation is essential to the understanding of nondestructive evaluation techniques, which enable location and measurement of defects in structures, evaluation of constitutive material constants, and identification of the state of stress. This short course covers selected problems of wave propagation in structures, that is, waves in strings, bulk waves in 3D solids, guided waves, acoustoelasticity, and their application to the solution of materials characterization and image reconstruction problems. Focus will be also on non-local continua with internal lengths and dispersion properties in wave propagation.

Dates and timing to be defined

The course will take place in blended mode: in presence at the Aula Seminari Capannone C, Faculty of Architecture, via Gramsci 53, Rome and online via Zoom.

For all courses supplied by the PhD Program of the DISG credits are not provided: a certificate of attendance will be produced upon request (only after a check of the effective presence)

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma