This 15-hour course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding, at the post-graduate level, of the key aspects of saturated soil modelling using the finite element method. It begins by introducing the field equations that govern the interaction between soil skeleton and pore fluid under static conditions, followed by their finite element discretization and solution. The course explores relevant challenges in practical applications, including considerations such as 2D versus 3D schematization, initial and boundary conditions, staged construction, and soil-structure problems, illustrated with practical examples. The course also delves into the implementation of soil constitutive laws at the level of Gauss integration points, encompassing both common explicit and implicit numerical algorithms. In the final session, the scope of the governing equations is expanded to cover dynamic conditions, offering insights into addressing earthquake geomechanical problems.
January 23, 25, 26, 29, and 31, 2024 – 10:00am-1:00pm
The course will take place in blended mode: in presence at the Aula Caveau - DISG, Faculty of Engineering, via Eudossiana 18, Rome and online via Zoom.