COURSE - Information Literacy Skills, Research Strategies and Sharing your Findings

At DISG, you will be given many opportunities to do research and undertake scholarship. The scope of this module is to introduce postgraduate students to the principles and practice of Information Literacy as applied to PhD research, develop those skills which will enhance the quality of your research output, expand your career opportunities in a knowledge-based society and create awareness of both quantitative and qualitative measurement tools. This module will enable you to build your research skills, improve your research methods, manage information, and communicate what you know both to each other and to the public. It will show you how to correctly acknowledge your sources when you write a report, research paper, or critical essay. You will also be given information about what constitutes violations of academic integrity and the consequences of committing such violations.

January 19-21 / February 2-4-5, 2021

To register, please, fill in the registration form available in this page

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma