COURSE - Elements of dynamic identification of structures: general issues and applications

The course deals with the peculiar aspects of the structural identification of existing buildings, taking into account both the notional issues and the related practical implications. Attention will be focused on methods encompassing dynamic data. The problems arising in this context have an inverse nature, compared to the classic direct problems of the dynamics of structures, and present some specific ‘pathologies’. These may be related to the non-uniqueness of the solution or the lack of continuous dependence of the solution on the input data. During the course we will address some of these aspects, with reference to both simple structural models and mechanical systems of greater complexity and interest in engineering applications. The aim of the course is twofold: to consolidate the basic knowledge on structural identification issues, and to stimulate interest towards research topics belonging to this area.

June 22 and 24, 2022, 10:00am-1:00pm

Prof. A. Morassi
Wednesday, June 22, 2022 - 10:00 am / 1:00 pm
Lecture 1 - Introduction to inverse eigenvalue problems for vibrating rods.
Lecture 2 – Some basic uniqueness results.
Lecture 3 - A variational identification method and applications to damage identification in rods.

Dr. E. Lofrano
Friday, June 24, 2022 - 10:00 am / 1:00 pm
Lecture 1 - Structural identification: definitions, regulations and practical considerations. Structural monitoring and damage identification.
Lecture 2 - Model-based and data-driven approaches.
Lecture 3 - Insights into “automatic scanning” and model updating.

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