PART I: ULTRASONIC BULK AND GUIDED WAVE PROPAGATION (A. Pau). Being able to handle wave propagation is essential to the understanding of nondestructive evaluation techniques, which enable location and measurement of defects in structures, evaluation of constitutive material constants, and identification of the state of stress. This short course covers selected problems of wave propagation in structures, that is, waves in strings, bulk waves in 3D solids, guided waves, acoustoelasticity, and their application to the solution of materials characterization and image reconstruction problems.
PART II: NON-LOCAL CONTINUOUS FORMULATIONS FOR MATERIALS WITH MICROSTRUCTURE AND WAVE PROPAGATION (P. Trovalusci). Focus will be on non local continua with internal lengths and dispersion properties in wave propagation. Non-local continuous formulations for materials with microstructure, including topics such as: discrete-to-scale dependent continuum models, deformations, strain measures, stress measures, balance laws, constitutive equations, thermodynamic restrictions, with applications to composites and masonry, will be covered.
17 luglio - 10:00-13:00; 18 luglio - 16:00-19:00; 19 luglio - 10:00-13:00, 14:00-17:00
Il corso si terrà in modalità mista: in presenza presso l'Aula Seminari Capannone C, Facoltà di Architettura, via Gramsci 53, Roma, e online tramite l'applicazione Zoom.
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