In recent years many fields of engineering and architecture have seen a significant increase in the production and application of composite materials, ranging from ceramic and metal matrix composites, fibre reinforced, but also masonry, rocks, geo and bio materials. This doctoral course presents series of lessons and seminars by researchers specialized in multiscale and multifield modelling and simulation of composite materials described as is materials with internal structure at the nano, micro or meso-levels and complex behaviour, such as damage, plasticity, etc. These lectures deals with materials science, theoretical mechanics, experimental and computational techniques at different scales, providing a sound base and a framework for many applications, which are hitherto treated in a phenomenological sense. The basic principles are formulated of multiscale modelling strategies towards modern complex multiphase materials subjected to various types of mechanical, thermal and environmental effects. Various homogenization/multiscale strategies will be presented and discussed. Attention is also focused on the historical origins of multiscale modeling and foundations of continuum mechanics currently adopted to model non-classical continua with substructure, for which internal length scales play a crucial role.
20-21-22 settembre 2021 - 9:30-18:00
The course will be held at the Faculty of Architecture (Aula Magna Piazza Borghese) Sapienza University of Rome, in English, and broadcast in live streaming.
Interested persons are invited to fulfill the registration form available at the link shown on the right side of this page by Saturday, September 18 at 7:00pm
Lecture: Multifield Continua and Multiscale Methods for the Modelling of 'Complex Materials' - Part 1 (Patrizia Trovalusci)
Lecture: Multiscale modeling and computations of composite materials: size effect and reduced models (Adnan Ibrahimbegovic)
Lecture: Multiscale Failure Modelling of Sustainable Multifunctional Biocomposites and Cellular Materials - Part 1 (Raj Das)
Lecture: Multifield Continua and Multiscale Methods for the Modelling of 'Complex Materials' - Part 2 (Patrizia Trovalusci)
Lecture: Homogenization techniques for complex materials: classical and micropolar approaches - Part 1 (Maria Laura De Bellis)
Seminar: ’Explicit’ and ‘Implicit’ Non-local Continuum Descriptions with Applications to Two-dimensional Solids (Meral Tuna)
Lecture: Multiscale Failure Modelling of Sustainable Multifunctional Biocomposites and Cellular Materials - Part 2 (Raj Das)
Lecture: Homogenization techniques for complex materials: classical and micropolar approaches - Part 2 (Maria Laura De Bellis)
Seminar: Modelling the propagation of waves in composite materials by equivalent multifield continua (Annamaria Pau)
Seminar: Material symmetries in homogenized hexagonal-shaped composites as Cosserat continua (Nicholas Fantuzzi)
Seminar: Fast Statistical homogenization procedure (FSHP): an advanced tool for homogenization of random composite materials (Marco Pingaro)