Call for application 39th cycle

Bando ordinario (expired 22/06/2023)

Educational goals and objectives

The Doctorate provides multidisciplinary and integrated knowledge and expertise, in order to groom professional experts for industrial research, skilled in complex systems analysis and management, in particular related to the energy and industry. Taking advantage of the cultural background offered in the Doctorate program, experts will be able to address and solve problems related to complex systems in the field of: safety, innovation, sustainability, environment, energy, infrastructures and devices, in an international background involving both industrialized and developing countries. Such educational goal will be achieved by the synergy of different cultural sectors, namely science and technology of power systems, energy, safety, applied mathematics and physics, chemistry, environment, with a particular reference to energy technologies, smart grids, buildings, infrastructures and industrial innovation.
With regard to sciences, synergies are:
- analysis of chemical and chemical-physical bases in the field of the optimization of synthetic processes;
- development of innovative technologies in civil and industrial field;
- participation in the innovation process and in the increase of competitiveness of industrial companies by means of mathematical and statistical methods, which aim at highly reliable industrial processes by managing their uncertainty.
- study of the interaction between buildings and environment;
- study about electric power systems and electronic systems, concerning their planning, operation and control, including their interaction with informatics, automation and telecommunications in the smart building, smart grid, smart mobility and smart city context, as well as their interaction with the power electronics regarding industry applications;
- smart grid management, mobility management, energy management, green/sustainable finance and, more in general, study and analysis of the main issues associated with the management of industrial systems, infrastructures and complex systems with an integrated engineering-financial perspective in view of environmental, technical and economic sustainability
The Doctorate, aiming at grooming professional experts in the field of innovation, complies with the raising needs for high level professionals and researchers for the development, the design and the management of civil and industrial complex systems, putting together the overall scientific view with the technical issues of specific interest for the involved enterprises. The necessity of such professionals and researchers is ever increasing, both at national and international level, due to the employment of innovative technologies and to the development of the tertiary sector of the economy. Therefore, the Doctorate may bring an incontrovertible competitive advantage to enterprises and an interesting opportunity for the scientific and professional development for its PhD students.

Specifiche economiche

Tipologia 1: DM118
Transizione digitale Generiche Pubblica Amministrazione Patrimonio culturale
0 0 1 0

Tipologia 2: DM117 Tipologia 3: PE/PNC/CN/TP Tipologia 4:Enti terzi
0 1 0 3

Tipologia 5: Sapienza Senza borsa
0 1

Tematiche, curriculum e competenze specifiche
Themes, curriculum and specific competence

C_PA - DM118 P.A. - non associata a curriculum

- Reti elettriche sostenibili ed efficienti
Ente finanziatore: PNRR
Competenze richieste: nessuna competenza specifica richiesta
- Sustainable and efficient electrical systems
Founded by: PNRR
Required skills: no specific skill required

F - ENTI TERZI - non associata a curriculum

- Sicurezza e sostenibilità delle infrastrutture
Competenze richieste: Laurea in ingegneria elettrica, in ingegneria della sicurezza, in ingegneria energetica o equivalenti.
- Infrastructure safety, security and sustainability
Required skills: Master degree in Electrical, Energy or Safety Engineering

F - ENTI TERZI - non associata a curriculum

- Realizzazione di schemi decentralizzati di produzione e consumo di energia rinnovabile.
Ente finanziatore: EPICO SRL
Competenze richieste: Il candidato deve avere conoscenze di elettrotecnica, di impianti fotovoltaici, eolici ed idroelettrici, nozioni di ingegneria civile, nozioni di economia.
- Decentralized renewable energy production and consumption schemes.
Founded by: EPICO SRL
Required skills: The candidate must have studied electrical engineering, designing and construction of PV, hydro and e wind production plants. Furthermore the candidate must have notions of civil engineering and economics.

F - ENTI TERZI - non associata a curriculum

- Analisi FEM applicata allo stack di celle a combustibile
Ente finanziatore: ENEA
Competenze richieste: nessuna competenza specifica richiesta
- FEM analysis applied to the fuel cell stack
Founded by: ENEA
Required skills: no specific skill required

PE - PARTENARIATI ESTESI - non associata a curriculum

- PE2 NEST (Network 4 Energy Sustainable Transition) - spoke 8: Final use optimization, sustainability & resilience in energy supply chain
Ente finanziatore: PNRR
Competenze richieste: nessuna competenza specifica richiesta
Responsible: 2 - Maria Carmen FALVO

Il candidato sceglierà una tematica in fase di presentazione della candidatura on line

Admission Procedure

Qualifications assessment The qualifications and the research project will be evaluated

Research project The research project consists of a paper describing the activity to be carried out, complete with a time schedule, taking into account the three-year duration of the course
language INGLESE

Oral interview The oral exam consists of an interview on the research project presented.
language INGLESE

contacts and info Ersilia Ferraro,, 06 4458 5503
more info The research project will be developed and sent electronically via the platform by the application deadline date. The oral admission test could be held in remote.

Curriculum studiorum

Graduation date and grade of the Master's degree
detailed list of exams including completion dates and scores of Masters's degree
History of Scholarships, Research Grants (or similar)
Certificates of Foreign Languages
Certificates of participation in post-graduate university courses
certificates of Participation in research groups
certificates of Participation in internships
Other University Awards/Degrees (e.g.: awards in competition, second degree)
Computer skills

Required documentation

§ degree thesis abstract
3000 characters including spaces, the file must be uploaded within 22/06/2023 ore 14:00 (ora italiana)

§ research project
10000 characters including spaces, the file must be uploaded within 22/06/2023 ore 14:00 (ora italiana)

§ List of publications
optional, the file must be uploaded within 22/06/2023 ore 14:00 (ora italiana)

§ letter of motivation (by the candidate)
optional, the file must be uploaded within 22/06/2023 ore 14:00 (ora italiana)

§ publications (a single pdf for each publication)
optional, the file must be uploaded within 22/06/2023 ore 14:00 (ora italiana)

§ Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum
mandatory, the file must be uploaded within 22/06/2023 ore 14:00 (ora italiana)

Language Skills

the candidate must know the following languages

Exam Schedule

Qualifications assessment
publication on notice boardNO
publication on the web siteYes
web site
date of publication20/07/2023
contactsErsilia Ferraro 0644585503

Altra tipologia (Research project)
notesNon è richiesta la presenza dei candidati
classroomLa valutazione del progetto di ricerca sarà svolta dalla commissione. Non è richiesta la presenza dei candidati.
addressVia Eudossiana 18 , 00184 Roma - Palazzina Sezione Elettrica
publication on notice boardNO
publication on the web siteYes
web site
date of publication20/07/2023
contactsErsilia Ferraro 0644585503

Oral interview
notesLa prova sarà svolta in remoto. The oral interview will be held in remote.
classroomLa prova sarà in remoto.
addressVia Eudossiana 18 - 00184 Roma
publication on notice boardNO
publication on the web siteYes
web site
date of publication27/07/2023
contactsErsilia Ferraro 06 44585503

Evaluation scale

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file (eng):visualizza il file (eng)

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma