6 April 2021

organized by Fabio Cutroni, Maura Percoco

Having by now overcome the traditional concept of 'teaching', as a univocal knowledge transfer from teacher to students, the new pedagogical approaches promote a more free, active and interdisciplinary 'learning'. Starting from this theoretical statement, both meetings will analyze the conceptual aspects and the main thematic nodes relating to the architectural design of learning spaces in contemporary city.

1. Learning Spaces. New Models in Contemporary Architecture
A critical analysis of some recent educational buildings (schools and universities) provides a reference framework useful to investigate the ways and the tools through which the deep transformations that nowadays have affected the life and the activity of school and academic communities – in particular regarding their social role and the emerging learning models – have found expression in contemporary architectural research.

2. Educational Buildings and Cities. Intersections, Crossings and Hybridizations
The vocation of educational buildings (schools and universities) to be rooted in a specific economic, political and social context, has a new development today, thanks to the opportunities of localization within heavily urbanized areas, linked to the reuse or replacement of an increasing amount of obsolete or unused buildings, and thanks to the progressive affirmation of an idea of openness to the city, linked to the presence of public functions usable by citizens. The research wants to explore current intervention models and strategies, capable of expressing different levels of relationship and dialogue with the existing environment.

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