14|15 February 2023
Sala degli Affreschi, San Pietro in Vincoli
Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering
Via Eudossiana 18, Roma
coordinated by: Fabio Cutroni, Maura Percoco
organized by: Giulio Paparella, Piermaria Caponi
The conference is intended as an occasion to investigate, through an international and interdisciplinary open meeting, the relationship between architecture and technique – a key-point in architectural practice as well as in its theoretical dimension – focusing on the still little explored domain of the relation between will of expression and design/construction possibilities offered by new digital tools, linked to a pressing technological improvement powered by increasingly sophisticated and efficient computing chances, software, methods and means of production.
Starting from an historical-critical framing of the relationship between architecture and technique, aimed to enhance the turning point from the industrial revolution to the digital revolution, the debate will investigate those effects due to a progressive and pervasive Information and Communication Technologies application in architecture, regarding, in addition to its simple representation, new potential in its conception, design and construction. Through some frontier researches, it is possible to glimpse such potential, although not been able to evaluate its real extent yet.
Fostering a dialectical discussion between researchers from significant universities, national and international research institutes and laboratories, designers and advanced manufacturing R&D companies appears essential to question about contemporary architectural design meaning and foreshadow possible future scenarios.