A journey into pytorch, the ecosystem, and deep learning compilers

Speaker: Luca Antiga (Lightning AI)

PyTorch has become a key building block of modern AI. In this talk, we'll explore its journey from the early days, through the growth of its ecosystem and the pivotal role of open source, all the way to the recent rise of deep learning compilers. We'll dive into the technical aspects of compiler technologies and discuss how they are going to shape the future of AI infrastructure.

11/11/2024 14:00, Aula Magna, DIAG, Via Ariosto 25, Roma.

Short bio: Luca, started his journey as a researcher in bioengineering, and later co-founded Orobix, an Italian company specialized in building and deploying AI in production settings. He was an early contributor to PyTorch core and co-authored “Deep Learning with PyTorch” (published by Manning). He has been CTO at Lightning AI since 2022, and he was recently designated as the Chair of the Technical Advisory Council at the PyTorch Foundation. Lightning AI is the company behind PyTorch Lightning and Lightning Studios, the AI development platform. It was founded by William Falcon in 2019 and it has offices in New York, Palo Alto, and London.

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