Programmed study plan for the academic year 2020/2021

List of courses / activities for the first year

Information literacy skills, research strategies and sharing your findings (B) January 2021. 2
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics (B) February 2021. Prof. A. Favata. 5
Variational Methods (B) April 2021. Prof. S. Vidoli 3
Finite Elements (B) maggio 2021 Prof. D. Addessi 3
Soil-structure interaction (B) April 2021. Prof. Callisto 5
Structural dynamics (B) September 2021. Prof. M. De Angelis 3
An introduction to the mechanics of soils (B) December 2021. Prof. Amorosi 4
Direct and Inverse Dynamic Problems in Random Vibrations Monitoring, Identification of Structural Damage and Structural Reliability (B/A). July 2021. DISG Library. Prof. Caracoglia (NorthEastern University, MA USA); Prof. Gattulli 4
Ultrasonic wave propagation in solid media with applications to stress monitoring, imaging and material characterization. (B/A) June 2021. Prof. A. Pau 2
Integrated course: Masonry Contructions “Marcello Ciampoli” (A), Prof. F. Bontempi, Prof. Costruzioni Esistenti in Muratura “Marcello Ciampoli” (A), Prof. F. Bontempi, Prof. P. Trovalusci, Prof. D. Addessi, Prof. L. Sorrentino, Dr. F. Petrini (Sapienza University of Rome). 17-31 maggio ONLINE/Sedi DISG 10
Appendix to the Course Masonry Existing structures 'Marcello Ciampoli'. A case study: the dome of Pisa Cathedral. Historical investigation, experimental and structural analyses. dr. F. Barsi, prof. S. Bennati (Università di Pisa). Telematic 0

More information


ACTIVITIES: Attendance at SPECIFIC COURSES foreseen in the EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY of the PhD course.
TYPE: SAT (Single Athene courses). They are distinguished in:
- Basic courses (B) (general, aimed at everyone regardless of specific research interests);
- Advanced courses (A) (specialized, aimed at the most interested doctoral students and with basic knowledge already developed);
and will be characterized by the provision of credits.
METHOD: the PhD student chooses:
- courses (B) for a minimum of 75% of credits on the total credits to be achieved (established by the College).
- courses (A) for a minimum of 15% of credits out of the total credits to be achieved (established by the College).
ACTIVITIES: Attendance at COOPERATIVE COURSES organized by other universities with which collaborations have been established, or will be established (ETH Zurich; Milan Polytechnic; University of Padua, Pisa, Perugia).
TYPOLOGY: CUEN (Courses in Collaboration with other Universities or Bodies). The courses will be classified by the College of type (B) or (A) and characterized by the provision of credits.
METHOD: physical participation (financial support for mobility) or telematics the PhD student chooses:
- courses (B) for a minimum of 75% of credits on the total credits on the total credits to be achieved (established by the Board), to be combined, also alternatively, with those referred to in point 1. of the same type;
- courses (A) for a minimum of 15% of the total credits granted credits on the total credits to be achieved (established by the Board), to be combined, also alternatively, with those referred to in point 1. of the same type.
ACTIVITIES: Participation in SEMINARS / WEBMINARS / CONFERENCES to deepen specific themes relating to research areas of prevalent interest of the PhD student.
TYPOLOGY: Seminars / Webminars / Conferences (organized by the Doctorate itself or in collaboration with it (a)) and external (other institutions organized (b))
a) The PhD student is invited by the Coordinator to follow seminars of Italian and foreign scholars or the work of a Conference and the College assigns credits;
b) Upon his request, the PhD student, authorized by the Supervisor or invited by other Institutions (Universities, Authorities), is authorized by the Coordinator to carry out an external Mission with the support of the funds dedicated to the mobility of the PhD students themselves. Details on the procedure to follow at the link:
The College can assign credits.
The PhD student chooses the seminars / conferences to attend and obtains credits for a minimum of 10% of the total credits to be achieved (established by the College).
ACTIVITIES: Attendance at official teaching of Master's Degrees active at the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering and / or the Faculty of Architecture with the aim of deepening / integrating general or specific knowledge not (or partially) present in their training path.
TYPE: Type (B) courses characterized by the provision of credits.
METHODS: the PhD student, on the recommendation of the College, can be directed to a second-level curricular course through which he obtains credits (established by the College), to be accumulated, also as an alternative, to those referred to in point 1. and 2. type (B).
PhD students are invited to carry out:
- periodic meetings (on a quarterly basis) to exchange information on research work through short oral presentations / seminars to encourage possible interactions, including interdisciplinary ones.
- TEACHING activities in I and II level study courses (TUTORED) for a total of 40 hours, obtaining credits (established by the College). The credits to be obtained will be accumulated with those of the activities referred to point 3.

Method of choosing the subject of the thesis

The choice of the research field in which to develop the thesis takes place through comparison and discussion with the members of the College.
To carry out the thesis, at the end of the first year of the course, the Faculty Board formally designates a Supervisor, usually chosen from among its members and often selected by the PhD student himself, possibly supported by another external expert with adequate experience in supervising the
Research. The Supervisor also offers adequate support and support for carrying out training and thesis writing activities.

Admission to the second year

By October of the first year of the course, the PhD student must submit a report on the activity carried out relating to:
1) attendance of the PhD courses and of any courses chosen by the PhD student or courses at other institutions (indicating the number of credits earned);
2) participation in seminars / webminars / conferences organized by the Doctorate or other institutions;
3) the supplementary / didactic activity carried out (with an indication of the number of credits earned);
4) carrying out general and targeted study activities;
5) the identification of the research field in which the Doctoral Thesis will be developed on the basis of which the Board expresses an opinion on merit and grants (or not) admission to the following year.

List of courses / activities for the second year

Modeling of Offshore Structures (A), Dr. N. Fantuzzi (University of Bologna), 22-26 marzo, ONLINE/Sedi DISG 2
Design and optimization of shell and spatial structures (A). Politecnico di Torino, from May 14 to June 25 - ONLINE 3
Virtual Element Method (VEM) for Fracture Mechanics/ Elements of Programming with Python and Applications with VEM (A), Prof. E. Sacco (University of Naples Federico II), Dr. M. Pingaro (Sapienza University of Rome). March 15-19, ONLINE/DISG rooms 3
Costruzioni Esistenti in Muratura “Marcello Ciampoli” (A), Prof. P. Trovalusci, Prof. F. Bontempi, Prof. D. Addessi, Prof. L. Sorrentino, Dr. F. Petrini (Sapienza University of Rome). May 17-31 ONLINE/DISG rooms 10
Direct and Inverse Dynamic Problems in Random Vibrations Monitoring, Identification of Structural Damage and Structural Reliability (A). Prof. V. Gattulli (Sapienza University of Rome), Prof. L. Caracoglia (Northeastern University, Boston, USA), June 7-11, ONLINE/DISG rooms 4
Structural Optimization (A), Prof. F. Bontempi (Sapienza University of Rome), June 21-26, ONLINE/DISG rooms 3
Multiscale Modelling in Composites (A), Prof. Adnan Ibrahimbegovic, Universite de Technologie Compiegne – Alliance Sorbonne Universite, Compiegne (France),Prof. R. Das (RMIT University, Melbourne), Prof. P. Trovalusci (Sapienza University of Rome), Dr. M. Tuna (Istanbul Technical University Turkey), Dr. N. Fantuzzi (University of Bologna), July 5-9, ONLINE/DISG rooms 6
Ultrasonic Wave Propagation in Solid Media with Applications to Stress Monitoring, Imaging and Material Characterization (A), Prof. A. Pau (Sapienza University of Rome), July 19-23, ONLINE/DISG rooms 2
Nonlinear Dynamics (A), Prof. W. Lacarbonara (Sapienza University of Rome), September 27-30, ONLINE/Sedi DISG 3
Seismic Safety and Sustainability: New Generation of Low Damage Systems in Prefabricated Concrete or Laminated Wood (A), Prof. S. Pampanin (Sapienza University of Rome), October 18-22, ONLINE/DISG rooms 3
Meccanica del Danno e Modellazione del Degrado nei Materiali e nelle Strutture (A), Prof. D. Addessi (Sapienza University of Rome), Prof. E. Sacco (University of Naples Federico II), November 1-5, ONLINE/DISG rooms 3

More information

ACTIVITY: Attendance at SPECIFIC COURSES foreseen in the EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY of the PhD course.
TYPOLOGY: SAT (Single University Course). I'm:
- Advanced courses (A) (specialized, aimed at the most interested doctoral students and with basic knowledge already developed);
and will be characterized by the provision of credits.
METHOD: the PhD student chooses:
- courses (A) for a minimum of 60% of credits out of the total credits to be achieved (established by the College).
ACTIVITIES: Attendance at COOPERATIVE COURSES organized by other universities with which collaborations have been established, or will be established (ETH Zurich; Milan Polytechnic; University of Padua,
Pisa, Perugia).
TYPOLOGY: CUEN (Courses in Collaboration with other Universities or Bodies). The courses will be classified by the College of type (B) or (A) and characterized by the provision of credits.
METHOD: physical participation (financial support for mobility) or telematics the PhD student chooses:
- courses (A) for a minimum of 60% of the total credits granted credits on the total credits to be achieved (to be combined, also alternatively, with those referred to in point 1.);
ACTIVITIES: Participation in SEMINARS / WEBMINARS / CONFERENCES to deepen specific themes relating to research areas of prevalent interest of the PhD student.
TYPOLOGY: Seminars / Webminars / Conferences (organized by the Doctorate itself or in collaboration with it (a)) and external (other institutions organized (b))
a) The PhD student is invited by the Coordinator to follow seminars of Italian and foreign scholars or the work of a Conference and the College assigns credits;
b) Upon his request, the PhD student, authorized by the Supervisor or invited by other Institutions (Universities, Bodies), is authorized by the Coordinator to carry out an external Mission with the support of the funds dedicated to the mobility of the PhD students themselves. Details on the documentation to be provided at the link:
The College can assign credits.
The PhD student chooses the seminars / conferences to attend and obtains credits for a minimum of 40% of the total credits to be obtained
ACTIVITIES: STUDY or RESEARCH periods abroad for further information on the doctoral thesis to be developed.
METHOD: The PhD student is invited by a host institution, authorized by the Supervisor and the Coordinator. In addition to the extension of the scholarship provided by the University, the PhD student is supported for mobility within the limits of the funds available for each. Details on the documentation to be provided at the link:
Specific rules of stay abroad concern the theses carried out in CO-PROTECTION with foreign universities.

PhD students are invited to carry out:
- periodic meetings (on a quarterly basis) to exchange information on research work through
short oral presentations / seminars to encourage possible interactions, including interdisciplinary ones.
- TEACHING activities in I and II level study courses (TUTORED) for a total of 40 hours, obtaining credits (established by the College). The credits The credits to be achieved will be to be combined, also alternatively, with those of the activities referred to point 3.

Method of preparation of the thesis

In the second year of the course, the PhD student deepens the topics relating specifically to the research topic he intends to develop, identifies the subject of the Thesis and progressively carries out the activities necessary for its development and completion.
The Doctoral Thesis consists of an original research on a limited, basic or applicative topic, related to Structural Engineering and / or Geotechnical Engineering. As part of the course activities, you can carry out part of the research period abroad at qualified university and / or research institutions (point 4.).
This period, to be aimed mainly at deepening the research topics covered by the thesis, is preferably in the second year of the course.

Admission to the third year

By October of the second year, the PhD student must present the general lines of the thesis project defining the research area and identifying the features of the main problems emerging from the literature, the typology of the thesis, the objectives of the work and possible directions for further study.
The public presentation will have a seminar form, accompanied by IT support, and discussed with the professors of the College.
It must also present a report on the activity carried out relating to:
1) the progress of the research work;
2) attendance of PhD courses or courses at other institutions (with indication of the number of credits earned);
3) participation in seminars / webminars / conferences organized by the Doctorate or by other institutions;
4) the supplementary / didactic activity carried out (with an indication of the number of credits earned) on the basis of which the Board expresses an opinion on the merits and grants (or not) admission to the following year.

List of courses / activities for the third year

More information

In the third and final year of the course, the PhD students are engaged in the development and completion of the Thesis and participate in some training and supplementary activities of their specific interest.
Stays abroad are planned to complete the thesis work.

Method of admission to the final examination

In 2016, new rules for admission to take the final exam were introduced. The following deadlines are shown below:
- by June 30, the Doctoral Board of Teachers identifies the external evaluators, two for each candidate.
- The thesis is sent to the designated external evaluators by October 31. The evaluators must formalize their judgment by December 15th.
- On the basis of the judgements expressed by the external evaluators, and following the presentation of the Theses to the Board of Teachers, the candidates are admitted, or not, to sit the Final Exam in the First Session.
- PhD students who have had a) career suspension or b) a referral by external evaluators following a negative judgment or to complete the research work, will take the exam in the extraordinary session to be held by 30 September.

By October of the second year, the PhD student must present the general lines of the thesis project defining the research area and identifying the features of the main problems emerging from the literature, the typology of the thesis, the objectives of the work and possible directions for further study.
The public presentation will have a seminar form, accompanied by IT support, and discussed with the professors of the College.
It must also present a report on the activity carried out relating to:
1) a summary of the final state of the research work;
2) possible attendance of PhD courses or courses at other institutions (with indication of the number of credits earned);
3) possible participation in seminars / webminars / conferences organized by the Doctorate or by other institutions;
4) the supplementary / didactic activity carried out (with an indication of the number of credits earned) on the basis of which the Board expresses an opinion on the merits and grants (or not) admission to the following year.

Final examination

In 2016, new rules for admission to take the final exam were introduced. The following deadlines are shown below
-The Doctoral Board of Teachers identifies the external evaluators, two for each candidate.
- The thesis is sent to the designated external evaluators by October 31. The evaluators must formalize their judgment by December 15th.
- Based on the presentation of the theses to the College and considering the judgments of the external evaluators, it is decided whether or not to admit the candidates to take the exam in the first session of February.
- PhD students who have had a) career suspension or b) a referral by external evaluators following a negative judgment or to complete the research work, will take the exam in the extraordinary session to be held by 30 September.

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