Programmed study plan for the academic year 2020/2021

List of courses / activities for the first year

8-12 febbraio 2021 - Ciclo di quattro lezioni sugli strumenti della ricerca musicologica: fonti della ricerca, retorica della ricerca, presentazione della ricerca (12h) 3
9-10 febbraio 2021 Partecipazione al seminario annuale dei dottorandi di musicologia come uditori (9h) 2
febbraio - giugno 2021 Ciclo di quattro lezioni sulla storia del cinema 'Back to the classics' (12 h) 3
giugno 2021 - Seminario a cura dei dottorandi di cinema 'Back to the classics' (4h) 1
26-27 marzo 2021 Partecipazione al convegno organizzato in collaborazione con it Dottorato su 'Poesia e Musiche. Convergenze e conflitti in Italia dal 1940 ad oggi' - Universita di Roma "La Sapienza" 2
maggio 2021 - Partecipazione come uditori alla Giornata finale di studi dedicata ai dottorandi di Cinema e Spettacolo 1
giugno 2021 Ciclo di 5 lezioni su 'Nuove prospettive interdisciplinari della ricerca musicologica sulla contemporaneita' (15 h) 4
Ricerca guidata e attivita laboratoriali 15

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The teaching activity is based on cycles of lectures and seminars, all planned for the present academic year and already partly carried out in this first part of the year. All of these are organised by the doctoral programme and are aimed primarily at doctoral students (with financial support from the doctoral programme where necessary). The seminars actively involve doctoral students with written reports or reading assignements.
As far as the first year is concerned, although doctoral students are invited to take part in all the activities organised by the doctoral programme, specific teaching is envisaged, consisting mainly of a series of lectures and seminars devoted to issues of research methodology, public management of research and knowledge of national and international funding systems, and the theme of the exploitation of research results, especially in scientific journals specific to the field of the performing arts, both national and international.
This year, in addition to lectures and seminars, first-year PhD students are expected to attend an international conference organised by the University of Rome "La Sapienza" (March 2021) with the contribution of the PhD: "Poetry and Music. Convergences and conflicts in Italy from 1940 to the present'.

Method of choosing the subject of the thesis

Curriculum of Storia e analisi delle culture musicali
Each doctoral student submits a fairly detailed written thesis proposal (at least 15 pages), with an preliminary bibliography. The Faculty council examines and discusses these proposals, accepts and/or suggests modifications, and assigns a tutor and a co-tutor.

Theatre, Performing Arts, Cinema and Digital Performance Technologies Curriculum
The thesis project is discussed with the tutor and the board and must contain an adequate knowledge of the field of investigation, a precise reflection on the methods used, an awareness of the theoretical framework of the interpretative activity and a knowledge of the reference bibliography, suitably extended. The development of the research is constantly assessed by the tutor and verified by the college in periodic meetings with exhibitions and discussions. A methodological seminar specifically related to the ongoing research activities of individual doctoral students is organised annually.

Admission to the second year

Each doctoral student must submit no less than 30 pages of the dissertation by the end of September, consisting of an examination of the question and a discussion of the existing bibliography, under the supervision of the tutor and co-tutor. This paper is examined by the college and in particular by a "third reader" who is a member of the college, who then discusses it with the doctoral student during the month of October.

Successful completion of an interview on fundamental theoretical texts. Presentation of a first thesis project, concisely drawn up but already articulated and with adequate bibliographic references. Participation in training activities (courses and seminars). Approval of the project by the tutor and the board.

List of courses / activities for the second year

Maggio 2021 - Ciclo di sei seminari musicologici organizzati dai colleghi dell'Universita di Palermo 'Nuove prospettive della ricerca musicologica' 5
La ricerca al tempo del COVID-19, Giornata di Studi. Incontro con i dottorandi dicinema del XXXV e XXXVI ciclo, giovedi 15 aprile 2021 h 16 1
Dicembre 2020- febbraio 2021 - corso interdisciplinare in sette lezioni Viva la performance' (18h) 5
26-27 marzo 2021 Partecipazione al convegno organizzato in collaborazione con il Dottorato su 'Poesia e Musiche. Convergenze e conflitti in Italia dal 1940 ad oggi' - Universita di Roma "La Sapienza" 2
9-10 Febbraio 2021 - partecipazione con intervento al seminario dei dottorandi di musicologia 3
Relazione da presentare alla Giornata finale di studi dedicata ai dottorandi di spettacolo in base al progetto di ricerca 1
Ricerca guidata e attività laboratoriale 15

More information

Teaching activities are based on cycles of lectures and seminars. All of them actively involve doctoral students with written reports or suggested readings.
As far as the second year is concerned, although doctoral students are invited to take part in all the activities organised by the doctorate, a specific didactic activity is envisaged that consists, above all, of a series of seminar meetings to explore topics relating to the doctoral students' research. Of particular note is a cycle of six musicological seminars organised in May by colleagues from the University of Palermo who are members of the college, a cycle of interdisciplinary lectures entitled 'Viva la performance'.
In addition to this, in the light of encouraging doctoral students to measure themselves against their own scientific communities of reference, in the second year in-house conferences are planned for both music and performance in which the doctoral students themselves (in the second and third years) give papers relating to their research in front of colleagues and faculty members.

Method of preparation of the thesis

The training plan for the second year includes:
- February, April and June: Doctoral teaching activities.
- September-October: By the end of September doctoral students submit to the faculty board a brief written report on the progress of their research (about 2-3 pages), a provisional index and a chapter of the thesis (not necessarily the first) of no less than about 25-30 pages, containing material different from the report submitted for the passage to the second year.

The thesis project is discussed with the tutor and the board and must present an adequate knowledge of the field of investigation, a precise reflection on the methods used, an awareness of the theoretical framework of the interpretative activity and a knowledge of the bibliography of reference, suitably expanded. The development of the research is constantly assessed by the tutor and verified by the board in periodic meetings with oral presentations and discussions.

Admission to the third year

In October, the faculty members meets and evaluate the materials submitted for the admission to the third year of the course, on the basis of a report on the progress of the work and the level of the materials presented by the tutor, the co-tutor, and a third reader who is a member of the board chosen by the coordinator in consultation with the tutor and co-tutor. The doctoral students participate in a meeting with the college in which they discuss the materials submitted and the progress of the research.

Submission of a part of the thesis already prepared (at least 2 chapters). Participation in training activities (seminars and courses). Approval of the research by the tutor and the board.

List of courses / activities for the third year

Relazione da presentare alla Giornata finale di studi dedicata ai dottorandi di spettacolo sulla propria ricerca dottorale (maggio 2020) 1
Relazione da presentare alla Giornata finale di studi dedicata ai dottorandi di spettacolo sulla propria ricerca dottorale (maggio 2021) 1
9-10 Febbraio 2021 - partecipazione con intervento al seminario dei dottorandi di musicologia (9h) 3
9 febbraio 2021 - Lectio magistralis di Francesco Giannattasio (University di Roma "La Sapienza" E' tutta un'altra musica 1
26-27 marzo 2021 Partecipazione al convegno organizzato in collaborazione con il Dottorato su 'Poesia e Musiche. Convergenze e conflitti in Italia dal 1940 ad oggi' - Universita di Roma "La Sapienza" 2
Ciclo di sei seminari (novembre 2020-febbraio 2021) sulle tematiche della performance (18h) 5
Ricerca guidata e attivita laboratoriali 15
Attivita di ricerca per redazione della tesi 15

More information

In the third year, doctoral students are required to concentrate on writing their theses in close contact with their tutors and co-tutors, with periodic deadlines. The training activity required of them is therefore less than in previous years. However, third-year doctoral students are required to attend a number of seminars and, above all, to give public presentations on their research to the doctoral teaching faculty and their colleagues. However, the seminar activity specifically dedicated to them is reduced in order to allow them to devote themselves to the writing task.

Method of admission to the final examination

In February, third-year PhD students take part in a seminar in which they present part of their current research to the teaching staff in the form of a 20-minute paper, as if they were at a scientific conference.
In addition to their other doctoral activities, outgoing doctoral students submit the table of contents, bibliography and two chapters of their thesis to the faculty by the end of May. The third reader who assessed their passage to the third year submits a report to the board on the progress and level of their work, which is then discussed at a meeting of the board of teachers with the doctoral students in June. For admission to the final examination, which takes place in October, an explicit opinion is requested from the tutor and co-tutor before the thesis is forwarded to the external assessors.
In February of the following year, at the same time as the final examination, doctoral students take part in a seminar in which they present to the faculty a part of their current or recently completed research in the form of a 20-minute report, as if they were at a scientific conference. The topic of the paper must be different from the paper presented at the previous year's seminar.

By the end of May, doctoral students submit the table of contents, the bibliography and two chapters of their thesis to the board of teachers, which is then discussed at a meeting of the board of teachers with the doctoral students in June. Admission to the final examination requires the explicit opinion of the co-tutor in addition to the tutor's report.

Final examination

The procedures for the final examination are now standardised for all PhDs. The Doctoral Programme in Music and Performing Arts identifies two specific evaluators for each thesis, who are experts in that specific field. Their report is sent to the three members of the examination committee, who for obvious reasons cannot be experts in all the sub-disciplines covered by the doctorate, and who will therefore find the opinions of the assessors useful. The current orientation is to select a final commission that includes a professor of the sector L-ART/05, one of L-ART/06, and one of L-ART/07 or L-ART/08, all external to Sapienza.

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