Elenco delle attività formative previste per i dottorandi del secondo anno |
Reverse Engineering: fundamentals, models, monitoring, digital twins
data presunta: 20, 21, 23 febbraio, 2024 - tipologia: riconducibile al progetto formativo - modalità di erogazione: Ex-cathedra - numero ore: 9
docente del corso: GATTULLI Vincenzo qualifica: Professore affiliazione: Italiana
programma delle attività: Reverse engineering (or sometimes back-engineering) is a process that is designed to extract enough data from a product or a construction and then to be able to reproduce that product or to renovate it. In this context, this 3 days course is aimed at proposing a general framework for interacting methodologies used to digitally describe existing construction for different aims such as structural safety evaluation, management, new functionalization, monitoring and retrofitting. Starting from basics in structural dynamics the flow of data coming from vibration measurements and their treatment is presented as an archetypal use of observations of the given product. The key ingredients of structural identification are introduced such as: principles of direct and inverse dynamics, output-only parametric identification and strategies of model updating. Then issue related to creation of advanced integrated modelling such as: 3D point cloud to building information modelling (3DPCM-to-BIM) and building information modelling to finite element modelling (BIM- to-FEM). Finally, innovative use of data coming from different sources (vibration measurements, image processing, satellite interferometry) within an integrated monitoring environment are presented as fundamental steps for the realization of digital twins of products and constructions in changing environment.
modalità di accertamento finale: da definire
Random Vibrations in Offshore Structures
data presunta: 8, 9 aprile 2024 - tipologia: riconducibile al progetto formativo - modalità di erogazione: Ex-cathedra - numero ore: 6
docente del corso: FANTUZZI Nicholas qualifica: Professore affiliazione: Italiana
programma delle attività: In the course, elements for random vibrations in the context of structural modeling and design will be given. The course is divided into two main parts. First, fundamentals of stochastic processes in time and frequency domain are given. For instance, random variables and processes are discussed together with Fourier transforms and Spectral Density Function definitions. Second, design to avoid structural failures due to random vibrations will be discussed such as level crossing analysis and fatigue criteria. Each course section will provide theoretical as well as practical aspects of the topics with reference to current design regulations.
modalità di accertamento finale: da definire
Isogeometric analysis: recent advances with applications to complex and coupled problems
data presunta: 15, 16 aprile 2024 - tipologia: riconducibile al progetto formativo - modalità di erogazione: Ex-cathedra - numero ore: 4
docente del corso: REALI Alessandro qualifica: Professore affiliazione: Italiana
programma delle attività: Isogeometric Analysis (IGA) is a successful simulation framework originally proposed by T.J.R. Hughes et al., in 2005, with the aim of bridging Computational Mechanics and Computer Aided Design. In addition to this, thanks to the high-regularity properties of its basis functions, IGA has shown a better accuracy per degree-of-freedom and an enhanced robustness with respect to standard finite elements in many applications - ranging from solids and structures to fluids, as well as to different kinds of coupled problems - opening also the door for the approximation in primal form of higher-order partial differential equations.
This short course aims at providing a concise introduction of the basic isogeometric concepts and at presenting an overview of some recent advances in IGA with a special focus on complex and coupled problems where the characteristics of IGA seem to be of great advantage. In particular, applications that will be discussed include, among others, the simulation of fluid-structure interaction in different contexts like, e.g., biomechanical problems, studies on the effect of mechanically-induced stresses on prostate cancer growth, thermo-mechanical simulations of additive manufacturing processes, electro-mechanical simulations for biological tissues, and the use of phase-field modeling for fracture and topology optimization problems or for predicting the polarization evolution in elastic ferroelectric materials.
modalità di accertamento finale: da definire
Corso integrato: Virtual Element Method (VEM) for Fracture Mechanics/ Elements of Programming with Python and Applications with VEM
data presunta: 27, 29, 31 maggio 2024 - tipologia: riconducibile al progetto formativo - modalità di erogazione: Ex-cathedra - numero ore: 9
docente del corso: SACCO Elio; PINGARO Marco qualifica: Professore affiliazione: Italiana
programma delle attività: In the last 10 years, a new finite element methodology, the virtual element method (VEM), has been proposed by Brezzi, Beirao da Veiga and coworkers. The VEM is more flexible than standard FEM, as it is possible to discretize the domain by polygons characterized by any number of edges, without constraints. Moreover, it has also been proved that VEM presents several advantages with respect to classical FEM, such as ability to accurately deal with complex geometries, flexibility in mesh generation, no need of a parent element, easy polynomial degree elevation, very good performances for distorted meshes. The lectures are devoted to the development of a virtual element method with application in fracture mechanics. The basic concepts of the VEM and the construction of all operators involved in the construction of the mathematical formulation will be explained during the course. Some detail concerning the VEM implementation in a Python framework will be given in order to enable the course participants to implement a virtual element. Then, a procedure for reproducing the nucleation and propagation of fracture in 2D cohesive media, combining the virtual element technique with a splitting methodology and a minimal remeshing procedure will be discussed and possible applications will be illustrated.
modalità di accertamento finale: da definire
Ultrasonic bulk and guided wave propagation in classical and non-classical continua - Integrated course
data presunta: 3, 5, 7 giugno 2024 - tipologia: riconducibile al progetto formativo - modalità di erogazione: Ex-cathedra - numero ore: 12
docente del corso: PAU Annamaria; TROVALUSCI Patrizia qualifica: Professore affiliazione: Italiana
programma delle attività: Being able to handle wave propagation is essential to the understanding of nondestructive evaluation techniques, which enable location and measurement of defects in structures, evaluation of constitutive material constants, and identification of the state of stress. This short course covers selected problems of wave propagation in structures, that is, waves in strings, bulk waves in 3D solids, guided waves, acoustoelasticity, and their application to the solution of materials characterization and image reconstruction problems. Details of the course:
1) Dispersion principles; bulk waves in unbounded isotropic and anisotropic classical continua; the acoustic tensor. Cube-cutting technique for the experimental evaluation of material constants. Propagation of bulk waves in Cosserat and Second-gradient continua. Reflection and transmission of waves from interfaces in classical and non-classical continua.
2) Guided waves in plates: shear and Rayleigh-Lamb waves. Semi-analytical methods for the calculus of dispersion curves in waveguides. Waves in bars and beams: standing waves and global modes of vibration, spectral elements.
3) Wave propagation in a prestressed medium: the theory of acoustoelasticity. Nonlinear effects: the arising of higher harmonics in internal resonance conditions. Application of beamformers and projection techniques (Radon transform) to defect/inclusion image reconstruction and to the identification of the state of stress.
modalità di accertamento finale: da definire
Homogenization techniques for complex materials:applications to mechanical metamaterials
data presunta: 11, 12 luglio 2024 - tipologia: riconducibile al progetto formativo - modalità di erogazione: Ex-cathedra - numero ore: 6
docente del corso: DE BELLIS Maria Laura qualifica: Professore affiliazione: Italiana
programma delle attività: The short course will introduce Ph.D. students to the most effective homogenization techniques capable of describing in a syntetic and detailed way the complex mechanical behaviour of microstructured materials. At the macroscopic level, both classical and enhanced continua will be considered and the main feautures and differences will be highlighted. Special attention will be devoted to applications of technological interest related to the design of mechanical metamaterials operating in static and dynamic regimes.
modalità di accertamento finale: da definire
Modelling of damage and fracture in classical and innovative materials - Integrated course
data presunta: 28, 29, 30 ottobre 2024 - tipologia: riconducibile al progetto formativo - modalità di erogazione: Ex-cathedra - numero ore: 9
docente del corso: SACCO Elio; ADDESSI Daniela qualifica: Professore affiliazione: Italiana
programma delle attività: This class introduces the fundamentals of damage mechanics and modelling procedures to describe degrading
processes evolving at material and structural level. The main damage model families presented in literature are
illustrated, specially focusing on those developed for brittle like materials. Also, the coupling with plasticity
formulations is introduced, and isotropic and anisotropic formulations are referred to. Some hints concerning
localization problems related to strain softening behavior and pathological mesh dependency of the finite element
solutions are given, together with the main regularization techniques. Then, the mechanics of damaging interface
is treated, illustrating the modelling approach which accounts for the interface opening in mode I, mode II and
mixed mode. Moreover, the unilateral contact is considered, and the possible frictional and interlocking effects are
described. Finally, structural problems in presence of degrading processes are shown.
modalità di accertamento finale: da definire
Soft Mechanics and Instabilities - Integrated course
data presunta: 4, 6, 8 novembre 2024 - tipologia: riconducibile al progetto formativo - modalità di erogazione: Ex-cathedra - numero ore: 9
docente del corso: NARDINOCCHI Paola; RUTA Giuseppe qualifica: Professore affiliazione: Italiana
programma delle attività: Mechanics of soft materials and structures present many interesting aspects from both the point of view of the modeling and the applications. One aspect which will be stressed in the course is related to the large changes in shape which can be expected due to a class of the external stimuli which include mechano-chemical actions. Changes in shape can be smooth or not, with respect to some key control parameter, which depends on the specific problem; when they occur instantaneously, an instability process has taken place. The aim of the short course is to deal with a few problems characterized by instability patterns in soft structures. The course will include: introduction to fundamentals of continuum mechanics, analysis of stress-diffusion problems, introduction of some prototypes of stability loss, analysis of elastic instabilities in soft polymer-based structures driven by chemical and/or mechanical control.
modalità di accertamento finale: da definire
Corsi integrati in memoria del prof. Franco Bontempi: Modulo 1 - Costruzioni in muratura
data presunta: 11-15 novembre 2024 - tipologia: riconducibile al progetto formativo - modalità di erogazione: Ex-cathedra - numero ore: 15
docente del corso: TROVALUSCI Patrizia; LIBERATORE Domenico; ADDESSI Daniela; SORRENTINO Luigi; CECCHI Antonella; PETRINI Francesco qualifica: Professore affiliazione: Italiana
programma delle attività: Mechanical Models for Historical Masonry. 2. Non-standard Limit Analysis for Brick/Block Masonry via Non Linear and Non Convex Matemathical Programming. (TROVALUSCI);
Damage mechanisms of masonry buildings: lessons from recent Italian earthquakes. (LIBERATORE);
Finite element modeling of masonry. Macromechanical and micromechanical approaches. (ADDESSI);
Out-of-plane seismic response mechanisms. Intervention techniques for out-of-plane mechanisms. (SORRENTINO);
Green masonry structures. (CECCHI);
Fire risk analysis in churches and historic buildings. (PETRINI).
modalità di accertamento finale: da definire
Corsi integrati in memoria del prof. Franco Bontempi: Modulo 2 - Ottimizzazione Strutturale
data presunta: 25-30 novembre 2024 - tipologia: riconducibile al progetto formativo - modalità di erogazione: Ex-cathedra - numero ore: 15
docente del corso: TROVALUSCI Patrizia; PETRINI Francesco; MELE Elena; TOMEI Valentina qualifica: Professore affiliazione: Italiana
programma delle attività: Basi della progettazione strutturale; Aspetti qualitativi e aspetti quantitativi dell’ottimizzazione strutturale. (Lezione registrata prof. Franco Bontempi);
La costruzione della forma nelle opere d'architettura: criticità e vantaggi dell'approccio matematico/numerico. (TROVALUSCI);
Ottimizzazione nella progettazione prestazionale di edifici sotto azione del vento e azione sismica. (PETRINI);
Ottimizzazione di strutture per edifici alti. (MELE);
Strategie di ottimizzazione per la progettazione di strutture di tipo gridshell. (TOMEI).
modalità di accertamento finale: da definire
Recenti sviluppi nella progettazione di opere in sotterraneo - Corso integrato
data presunta: Dicembre 2024 - tipologia: riconducibile al progetto formativo - modalità di erogazione: Ex-cathedra - numero ore: 25
docente del corso: BOLDINI Daniela, ROTONDA Tatiana, MILIZIANO Salvatore, AMOROSI Angelo, RAMPELLO Sebastiano, SEBASTIANI Diego, GRAZIANI Alessandro, CASINI Francesca, MEDA Alberto qualifica: Professore affiliazione: Italiana
programma delle attività: Il corso propone un approfondimento di alcuni temi di notevole interesse per l’analisi del comportamento delle opere in sotterraneo e della loro interazione con l’ambiente, sia durante le fasi costruttive sia durante l’esercizio. Il sempre più intenso sviluppo delle reti infrastrutturali, anche in contesti complessi dal punto di vista geologico, idrogeologico e geotecnico, e l’innalzamento degli standard progettuali richiedono infatti la messa in campo di competenze specialistiche non ancora diffuse nella pratica tecnica e spesso ancora oggetto di studi e ricerche. Le prime lezioni sono dedicate a richiamare le conoscenze di base del settore, dalla caratterizzazione geotecnica per la progettazione di gallerie alle principali soluzioni analitiche per la valutazione dello stato tensio-deformativo nell’intorno del cavo e per l’analisi dell’interazione con le opere di rinforzo e sostegno. Vengono quindi approfonditi gli approcci tradizionali e più avanzati per il progetto di gallerie nell’ambito dello scavo in tradizionale e meccanizzato mediante macchine TBM. Infine, sono trattati, sotto forma di seminari dedicati, i seguenti argomenti: gallerie profonde sotto falda, verifiche sismiche del rivestimento, verifiche a fuoco del rivestimento, effetti indotti sul costruito dallo scavo di gallerie superficiali e uso della tecnica del congelamento artificiale per lo scavo di gallerie in condizioni difficili.
modalità di accertamento finale: da definire
Advanced Materials Mechanics: Computational Homogenization, Crystal Plasticity, and Strain Localization Phenomena
data presunta: 21-25 ottobre 2024 - tipologia: riconducibile al progetto formativo - modalità di erogazione: Ex-cathedra - numero ore: 9
docente del corso: FOREST Samuel qualifica: Professore affiliazione: Estera
programma delle attività: - HOMOGENIZATION: Computational Homogenization Methods, Size of Representative Volume Element;
- Elements of CRYSTAL PLASTICITY : Single Crystal, Polycrystal;
- STRAIN LOCALIZATION PHENOMENA : Kink Bands, Slip Band Propagation, Deformation Twinning, Crack Tip, Regularization.
modalità di accertamento finale: da definire