Delivered study plan 2023/2024

The PhD program offered a series of diverse educational activities to support the academic development of doctoral students. Compared to previous years, the seminar offerings for the PhD program are particularly enriched and include important contributions from prominent international figures in the field of computer science.

The activities offered include "Advanced thematic seminars" in which international experts teach short courses on emerging topics of common interest. Overall, these programs support students in exploring different themes in computer science. Alongside the thematic seminars, there are numerous PhD Schools that doctoral students from all years are encouraged to participate in, which address more cross-cutting issues and provide important networking opportunities with other members of the community. Additionally, doctoral students have the opportunity to participate in major conferences in their field as part of their training. Finally, it should be noted that students consistently achieve important milestones in research, such as the acceptance of papers at national and international scientific conferences, many of which are ranked as A+/A++ level, and are both financially and instrumentally supported to participate in them.

PhD schools and conferences attended by students:

AAAI 2023
ProbNum School 2023
NLDL Winter School 2023
WONS 2023
SIGGRAPH Asia 2022
NeurIPS 2022
STAG 2022
AIxIA 2022

Visits to international research institutes

University of Cambridge
Oxford University
Imperial College London
University College London
Yale University
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
UC Berkeley


For students from all three years, some mini-courses focused on studying specific and hot topics in computer science are proposed.

"Learning Identifiable Representations: A Gentle Introduction"
Speaker: Luigi Gresele (Max Planck Institute, Germany)
Seminar Room

"Fifty Years of Parallel Programming: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow"
Speaker: Keshav Pingali
Room 201 (Building D, Viale Regina Elena)

Didactic paths for high-level training in computer science

The PhD program in Computer Science has proposed numerous highly specialized and training-oriented seminars on numerous hot topics in collaboration with prominent national and international professors in the field.

The complete list of seminars offered is visible in the appropriate section.

Other educational activities

Each doctoral student carries out educational activities both in the teaching and tutoring of undergraduate and graduate courses or workshops/seminars. These activities encourage students to acquire transversal knowledge, including communication skills.

Doctoral students are daily engaged in the development, reporting, and creation of documentation for external and internal projects in the department. In particular, some of them have had the opportunity to get to know working environments at the industrial or governmental level, increasing their skillness in managing systems that are not purely academic.

Among the educational activities, doctoral students often have the opportunity to follow and guide undergraduate and graduate thesis students, both in development and in the drafting of the document. This activity allows them to obtain the recognition of "Co-supervisor".

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma