
Please note, the oral interview for the admission examination for the PhD in Computer Science (40th cycle) will be held on July 22, 2024 in room S1, Building E, Viale regina Elena 295.

The Phd in Computer Science (Dottorato di Ricerca in Informatica) offers a graduate programme at the highest International standards in the most important research areas of modern Computer Science. The Faculty includes top-notch professors with a strong record of scientific achievements: Five Google Faculty Awardees; three Google Focused Awardees; IBM Faculty Awardees; three ERC Starting Grantees; Fulbright, Marie Curie and Sloan fellowship winners; among others. This record puts our Department and PhD program at the highest level in Europe and in the World.

After completing the PhD programme, our graduate students will be able to conceive and develop an independent and strong research programme and will be ready to work and compete worldwide in the best universities and international research centres. In addition, the education focused on applied aspect of Computer Science will provide the student with the necessary knowledge to face with complex problems also of industrial nature and to manage and to develop innovative projects of systems at industrial level.


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© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma