Study plan for the academic year 2022/2023

List of courses / activities for the first year

Scientific English 2
Animal experimentation 2
Laboratory safety 1
Statistical Methods 1
Bibliographic databases - library catalogs - Open access 1
Microscopy Techniques for the Life Sciences 2
Seminars organized by CIVIS Network 2
Seminars organized by PhD course 2

More information

The Ph.D. course organizes a series of activities, such as course on animal experimentation, database consultation, scientific English and statistical methods with the aim of providing PhD students with advanced training in the fields of basic and translational research.
A series of seminars will also be scheduled, moderated and organized by the members of the teaching staff, on the various research topics, related to the educational objectives of the Ph.-D. program, such as:
Genetic and epigenetic regulation in cell differentiation, development, and pathological conditions. Cellular and molecular mechanisms of tissue regeneration. Regulation of angiogenesis and the mechanisms of "calcium signaling" in human endothelial cells and in tumor progression. Epigenetic regulation of the genesis and progression of prostate cancer induced by inflammatory stimuli. Mechanisms for regulating the immune response in immunologically privileged organs and control of apoptosis in the male gonad. Signal transduction mechanisms in tissue remodeling. Tissue homeostasis. Molecular mechanisms of muscle atrophy and hypertrophy. Molecular mechanisms activated by physical exercise and exercise-mimetic drugs. Tissue engineering. Regenerative medicine. Application of physical methods and techniques to the study of the interactions between nanocarriers and target cells. Use of brain computer interfaces for communication between subjects and electronic devices. Study of cortical activity during cognitive tasks in human.
For details of the activities, consult the links in the section: "Insights"

Method of choosing the subject of the thesis

Defined between tutor and Ph.D. student, presented and discussed in front of the teaching staff (CdD) as a research PROJECT, approved by the CdD

Admission to the second year

Each PhD student presents the research project and any preliminary results in the spring. At the end of the academic year, the PhD student presents the results obtained during the year to the CdD through an oral presentation and a report in English. The activity of each PhD student is evaluated taking into consideration the following parameters:
- motivations,
- work commitment,
- autonomy in carrying out the experimental activity,
- culture and scientific updating,
- interactivity with the environment,
- design skills,
- critical ability and participation in scientific discussions,
- accomplished results,
- publications.

List of courses / activities for the second year

Theoretical-Practical Bioinformatics course 3
Statistical Methods 2
Drug Discovery & Delivery 2
Misconducting Research Integrity 1
Fundamentals of Enzyme Kinetics 2
Single-cell transcriptomics (theory and bioinformatic pipeline) 2
Artwork for scientific papers 1
Microscopy Techniques for the Life Sciences 2
Seminars organized by CIVIS Network 2
Seminars organized by PhD course 2

More information

The Ph.D. course organizes a series of activities, such as the theoretical-practical Bioinformatics course, the statistical methods course, the drug discovery & delivery course, the research integrity course, etc., with the aim of providing PhD students with advanced training in the fields of basic research and translational medicine.
A series of seminar activities will also be scheduled, held by Italian and foreign professors and researchers, on topics not only specific to the PhD curricula, but also transdisciplinary. The goal is to promote and provide PhD students with an innovative and competitive academic program, aimed at stimulating their critical spirit and propensity to face the complexity of knowledge. For details of the activities, consult the links in the section: "Insights"

Method of preparation of the thesis

Defined by tutor and PhD student, approved by the CdD:
Experiment planning;
Experimental activity;
Evaluation and interpretation of the results;
Discussion of the experimental results in periodic lab-meetings;
Preparation of communications at congresses.

Admission to the third year

Each PhD student presents the research project and any preliminary results in the spring. At the end of the academic year, the PhD student presents the results obtained during the year to the CdD through an oral presentation and a report in English. The activity of each PhD student is evaluated taking into consideration the following parameters:
- motivations,
- work commitment,
- autonomy in carrying out the experimental activity,
- culture and scientific updating,
- interactivity with the environment,
- design skills,
- critical ability and participation in scientific discussions,
- accomplished results,
- publications.

List of courses / activities for the third year

Biotechnologies and Patents 1
Public speaking 1
BEMM symposium 1
ethics of scientific research and professional ethics 2
Scientific Writing – Scientific communication 1
MSCA Actions 1
Microscopy Techniques for the Life Sciences 2
Seminars organized by CIVIS Network 2
Seminars organized by PhD course 2

More information

The PhD course organizes a series of theoretical-practical courses, such as Scientific writing, ethics of scientific research, data patentability, etc., with the aim of providing doctoral students with advanced training in the areas of basic and translational research and the importance of ethics and scientific rigor.
A series of seminar activities will also be organized on the following topics:
Experimental models for the study of homeostasis and tissue regeneration. Tissue engineering. Plasticity and tissue identity. The basics of cell differentiation. Signals and factors of cell differentiation. The evolution of regenerative bio-medicine.
In the third year, the preparation of the thesis contributes to the training activities.
Teaching activities (not institutional courses): Tissue engineering and stem cell biology; elements of bioinformatics
Research related activities:
Didactic activities (not institutional courses): Embryogenesis and Histogenesis, Regulation of the cell cycle and apoptosis, Safety elements in the laboratory,
Practical-training research activity (see scientific reports),
Educational and research activities independently chosen by the student and approved by the Academic Board,
Participation (active / passive) in national and international conferences (e.g .: Conference organized by BEMM students; Annual conferences ABCD, SIB and IIM, etc.).
For details of the activities, consult the links in the section: "Insights"

Method of admission to the final examination

In the spring, the PhD students present the results obtained in previous years and report the progress of the preparation of the thesis.
Oral presentation of the thesis in English to the CdD accompanied by a draft of the final thesis (in English).
The thesis is submitted to external reviewers chosen by the Academic Board.
Based on the evaluations of the external reviewers, on the presentation and final discussion of the thesis with the answers given to the evaluators' comments, on the evaluation of the entire doctoral curriculum, the Board of Professors decides on the admission of the doctoral students to the final exam for the achievement of the PhD title.

Final examination

Critical review of the thesis by at least 2 External reviewers, each of them presenting a written report.
Presentation and discussion of the thesis in front of the CdD. Evaluation of the opinions of external reviewers. The CdD evaluate and approves the presentation of the student and the research activity carried out.
Submission of the thesis in final form and discussion of the thesis in front of the examination board.

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