Delivered study plan 2024/2025

The fundamental objective of the educational offer of the PhD in Morphogenesis and Tissue Engineering is to prepare PhD students to deal with the complexity of biological processes through paths that aim at a rigorous process of analysis, interpretation of data, consolidation of evidence and critical capacity . The program is designed to equip doctoral students with the necessary background to implement critical thinking as a generator of new ideas and promote correct and rigorous communication through a series of seminars and courses oriented towards the doctoral research topics. In particular,the general objective of the doctorate consists in the acquisition of both experimental and methodological skills to carry out rigorous and qualified research activity.
The overall aim of the PhD program is to acquire: 1) biotechnologic skills (e.i. histological, histochemical techniques, imaging, confocal microscopy, TEM,SEM, in situ hybridization, cell, organ and embryo cultures, production of transgenic and knock out animals, preparation of constructs and analysis of gene products, single nucleus RNA seq and ATAC seq, spatial transcriptomics, in vivo gene delivery, analysis / purification of homogeneous cell populations using FACS, stem cell transplantation techniques and 3D cell systems); 2) analytical skills (statistical, dynamic modeling, tissue engineering and prosthetics); 3) skills to the use of brain-computer interfaces for communication between subjects and electronic devices; 4) skills to the study of cortical activity during cognitive tasks in humans; 5) skills to the development and validation of nanotechnologies for the delivery of drugs and nucleic acids in vitro and in vivo; 6) skills to the study of the interactions between nanomaterials and biological fluids for the development of technologies for the early diagnosis of tumors.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma