Study plan for the academic year 2022/2023

List of courses / activities for the first year

Information Literacy Skills, Research Strategies and Sharing your Findings (B) - Dr. Mary Joan Crowley, DISG Sapienza University of Rome - ONLINE/Sedi DISG - February (first week) 2
Finite Element Method (B) - Prof. Daniela Addessi, Member of PhD DISG Board - DISG, Sapienza University of Rome (Aula Caveau/Online) - March (last week) 4
Random Vibrations in Offshore Structures (A) Prof. Nicholas Fantuzzi, Alma Mater Studiorum, Università di Bologna - ONLINE/Sedi DISG - March (third week) 2
Dinamica delle Strutture (B) Prof. Maurizio De Angelis, Member of PhD DISG Board - Sapienza University of Rome - ONLINE/Sedi DISG - JanuaryMarch (third week) 5
Corso Integrato Ottimizzazione Strutturale (A) Prof. Franco Bontempi, Prof. Francesco Petrini, Prof. Patrizia Trovalusci, Sapienza University of Rome, Prof. Elena Mele, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Dr. Valentina Tomei, Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano, Ing. Innocenzo Becci, Manini Prefabbricati divisione Service - ONLINE/ Sedi DISG - January (last week) 8
Mechanics of Deformable Solids for Advanced Structured Materials (B) Prof. Holm Altenbach, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Germany - ONLINE/Sedi DISG - 17, 19, 21 April 4
Tensegrity Structures (A): 1. Geometric configuration and design algorithms /2. Minimal Surface Tensegrity networks, Prof. Katherine Liapi, Department of Architecture, Univerity of Patras, Greece - ONLINE/Sedi DISG - April (last week) 2
Corso integrato: Virtual Element Method (VEM) for Fracture Mechanics/ Elements of Programming with Python and Applications with VEM (A) Prof. Elio Sacco, Università di Napoli Federico II, Dr. Marco Pingaro, DISG, Sapienza University of Rome - ONLINE/Sedi DISG - September/October 3
An innovative approach to static and dynamic topology optimization with practical applications (A) Prof. Paolo Venini, University of Pavia - ONLINE/Sedi DISG - 10, 11 May, 2023 3
Corso integrato: Ultrasonic bulk and guided wave propagation in classical and non-classical continua (A) Prof. Annamaria Pau, DISG Sapienza University of Rome; Prof Patrizia Trovalusci - PhD Program Coordinator - ONLINE/Sedi DISG - 17-21 July, 2023 4
Interazione Terreno-Struttura (B) Prof. Luigi Callisto, Sapienza University of Rome - ONLINE/Sedi DISG - 12-16 June, 2023 5
Corso integrato: Soft Mechanics and Instabilities (A) Prof. Paola Nardinocchi, Prof. Giuseppe Ruta, Sapienza University of Rome - ONLINE/Sedi DISG - October/November 3
Corso integrato: Numerical modelling of geomechanical problems (A) Prof. Daniela Boldini, Sapienza University of Rome - ONLINE/Sedi DISG - December 5
Research and development in steel and concrete composite structures - Dr. Tai Thai, Department of Infrastructure Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Australia - ONLINE/Sedi DISG - January (last week) 1
Sustainability assessment of buildings and infrastructures (bridges) - Prof. Maria Constança Simões Rigueiro, Escola Superior de Tecnologia, Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco, Portugal - ONLINE/Sedi DISG - January (last week) 1
Advanced Multifunctional Materials and Structures - Analysing Extreme Deformation and Dynamic Behaviour using Meshless and Multiscale Methods - Prof. Raj Das, Sir Lawrence Wackett Defence and Aerospace Centre, School of Engineering, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia - ONLINE/Sedi DISG - February (first week) 2
La concezione strutturale in architettura nell’era digitale, tra estetica ed etica - Prof. Patrizia Trovalusci, Department of Structural and Geotechincal Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome - ONLINE/Facoltà di Ingegneria - February (second week) 1
An Introduction to the Mechanics of Soils (B) Prof. Angelo Amorosi, Sapienza University of Rome - ONLINE/Sedi DISG - November (second week) 4
Hands on Continuum Mechanics with COMSOL (A) Prof. Luciano Teresi, Università Roma Tre - ONLINE/Sedi DISG - 19-21-23-26 June 5

More information

I - EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES (all courses will be delivered in a mixed way: in the presence, when possible, and online and extended to other doctoral students of Sapienza and other Italian and foreign universities).

ACTIVITY: Attendance of SPECIFIC COURSES foreseen in the EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY of the PhD course.
TYPE: SAT (Single University Courses) held by professors who are members of the College (PhD-DISG Board) or professors from other Italian and foreign universities, also in collaboration. They are distinguished in:
- Basic courses (B) (general, aimed at everyone regardless of specific research interests);
- Advanced courses (A) (specialised, aimed at the most interested PhD students with already developed basic knowledge);
and will be characterized by the provision of credits.
METHOD - the PhD student chooses:
With respect to a minimum total credit pool of 60 CF, of these: 50% must be achieved among the courses indicated with preference among the courses indicated as (A). The remaining 30% can be achieved with: congresses/seminars/supplementary-didactic activities.
Criterion established by the College.

ACTIVITY: Attendance of COLLABORATION COURSES organized by other Universities with which collaborations have been established (Northeastern University, Boston (USA); Milan Polytechnic; Turin Polytechnic; University of Naples Federico II, University of Bologna, University of Perugia; University of Lucca).
TYPE: CU, CUEN (Collaboration courses with other Universities or Institutions). The courses will be classified by the College as type (B) or (A) and characterized by the provision of credits.
METHOD: physical participation (financial support for mobility) or telematics the PhD student chooses:
- courses (B) for a minimum of 75% of credits on the total credits on the total credits to be obtained (established by the Board), to be combined, also alternatively, with those referred to in point 1. of the same type;
- courses (A) for a minimum of 15% of the total credits awarded credits of the total credits to be obtained (established by the College), to be combined, also alternatively, with those referred to in point 1. of the same type.

ACTIVITY: Participation in SEMINARS/WEBMINAR/CONFERENCES to explore specific topics related to research areas of main interest to the PhD student.
TYPE: Seminars/Webminars/Conferences (organized by the Doctorate itself or in collaboration with it (a)) and external (organized by other Institutions (b))
a) The PhD student is invited by the Coordinator to attend seminars by Italian and foreign scholars or the work of a conference and the College assigns credits;
b) The PhD student upon his request, authorized by the Supervisor or invited by other Institutions (Universities, Organizations), is authorized by the Coordinator to carry out an external mission with the support of the funds dedicated to the mobility of the PhD students themselves. Details on the procedure to follow at the link:
The College can assign credits.
The PhD student chooses the seminars/conferences to attend and obtains credits for a minimum of 10% of the total credits to be obtained (established by the College).

ACTIVITY: Attendance at official Master's Degree courses at the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering and/or the Faculty of Architecture with the aim of deepening/integrating general or specific knowledge not (or partially) present in one's educational path.
TYPE: Type (B) courses characterized by the provision of credits.
METHOD: the PhD student, on indication of the Board, can be directed to a curricular course for second level degrees through which he obtains credits (established by the Board), to be combined, also as an alternative, to those referred to in point 1. and 2. typology (B).

PhD students are invited to carry out:
- periodic meetings (quarterly) to exchange information on the research work through short oral presentations/seminars to encourage possible interactions, including interdisciplinary ones.
- EDUCATIONAL activities (pursuant to Art. 16 c. 5, D.M. 1000/2022, Doctorate Regulations) in 1st and 2nd level study courses for a total of up to 40 hours, earning credits (established by the Board). The credits to be obtained will be combined with those of the activities referred to in point 3.

Method of choosing the subject of the thesis

The choice of the research field in which to develop the thesis takes place through comparison and discussion with the members of the Academic Board.
For the development of the thesis, at the end of the first year of the course, the Academic Board appoints a Thesis Director or Supervisor, usually chosen from among its members and also selected by the PhD student himself, possibly supported by another external expert with adequate experience in research supervision. The Supervisor also offers adequate support and support for carrying out training activities and drafting the thesis.
In the case of co-supervision, two thesis directors are appointed, one for the Italian part, the other for the cooperating university, who follow the research activities of the doctoral student.

Admission to the second year

Within the month of October of the first year of the course (or according to the indications of the Academic Board for doctoral students who take office at different times from November 1), the PhD student must submit a report on the activity carried out relating to:
1) attendance of PhD courses and any teachings chosen by the
PhD student or courses at other institutions (with an indication of the number of credits achieved);
2) participation in seminars/webminars/congresses organized by the PhD or by other institutions;
3) the supplementary/didactic activity carried out (with an indication of the number of credits achieved);
4) carrying out general and finalized study activities;
5) the identification of the research field in which the PhD thesis will be developed
on the basis of which the Academic Board expresses a judgment of merit and grants (or not) admission to the following year.

List of courses / activities for the second year

Random Vibrations in Offshore Structures (A) Prof. Nicholas Fantuzzi, Alma Mater Studiorum, Università di Bologna - ONLINE/Sedi DISG - March (third week) 2
Corso Integrto Ottimizzazione Strutturale (A) Prof. Franco Bontempi, Prof. Francesco Petrini, Prof. Patrizia Trovalusci, Sapienza University of Rome, Prof. Elena Mele, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Dr. Valentina Tomei, Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano, Ing. Innocenzo Becci, Manini Prefabbricati divisione Service - ONLINE/ Sedi DISG - 30 January - January (last week) 8
Tensegrity Structures (A): 1. Geometric configuration and design algorithms /2. Minimal Surface Tensegrity networks, Prof. Katherine Liapi, Department of Architecture, Univerity of Patras, Greece - ONLINE/Sedi DISG - April (last week) 2
Corso integrato: Virtual Element Method (VEM) for Fracture Mechanics/ Elements of Programming with Python and Applications with VEM (A) Prof. Elio Sacco, Università di Napoli Federico II, Dr. Marco Pingaro, DISG, Sapienza University of Rome - ONLINE/Sedi DISG - September/October 3
An innovative approach to static and dynamic topology optimization with practical applications (A) Prof. Paolo Venini, University of Pavia - ONLINE/Sedi DISG - May second week 2023 3
Corso integrato: Ultrasonic bulk and guided wave propagation in classical and non-classical continua (A) Prof. Annamaria Pau, DISG Sapienza University of Rome; Prof Patrizia Trovalusci - PhD Program Coordinator - ONLINE/Sedi DISG - 17-21 July, 2023 4
Corso integrato: Soft Mechanics and Instabilities (A) Prof. Paola Nardinocchi, Prof. Giuseppe Ruta, Sapienza University of Rome - ONLINE/Sedi DISG - October/November 3
Corso integrato: Numerical modelling of geomechanical problems (A) Prof. Daniela Boldini, Sapienza University of Rome - ONLINE/Sedi DISG - December 5
Research and development in steel and concrete composite structures - Dr. Tai Thai, Department of Infrastructure Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Australia - ONLINE/Sedi DISG - January (last week) 1
Sustainability assessment of buildings and infrastructures (bridges) - Prof. Maria Constança Simões Rigueiro, Escola Superior de Tecnologia, Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco, Portugal - ONLINE/Sedi DISG - January (last week) 1
SEMINAR - Advanced Multifunctional Materials and Structures - Analysing Extreme Deformation and Dynamic Behaviour using Meshless and Multiscale Methods - Prof. Raj Das, Sir Lawrence Wackett Defence and Aerospace Centre, School of Engineering, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia - ONLINE/Sedi DISG - February (first week) 2
La concezione strutturale in architettura nell’era digitale, tra estetica ed etica - Prof. Patrizia Trovalusci, Department of Structural and Geotechincal Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome - ONLINE/Facoltà di Ingegneria - February (second week) 1
Hands on Continuum Mechanics with COMSOL (A) Prof. Luciano Teresi, Università Roma Tre - ONLINE/Sedi DISG - 19-21-23-26 June 5
Mechanics of Deformable Solids for Advanced Structured Materials (B) Prof. Holm Altenbach, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Germany - ONLINE/Sedi DISG - 17, 19, 21 April 4

More information

I - EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES (all courses will be delivered in a mixed way: in the presence, and online and extended to other doctoral students of Sapienza and other Italian and foreign universities).

Method of preparation of the thesis

In the second year of the course, the PhD student explores the topics specifically concerning the research topic he intends to develop, identifies the subject of the thesis and progressively carries out the activities necessary for its development and completion.
The doctoral thesis consists of an original research on a circumscribed topic, basic or applied, pertaining to Structural Engineering and/or Geotechnical Engineering. As part of the activities of the course, compatibly with the pandemic emergency, he can carry out part of the research period abroad at qualified university and/or research institutions (point 4.).
This period, to be mainly aimed at deepening the research topics covered by the thesis, is preferably placed during the second year of the course.

Admission to the third year

Within the month of October of the second year, the PhD student (or according to the indications of the Academic Board for PhD students who started work on dates other than November 1) must present the general lines of the thesis project, defining the research scope and identifying the outlines of the main problems emerging from the literature, the typology of the thesis, the objectives of the work and possible directions of study. The public presentation will take the form of a seminar, accompanied by IT support, and discussed with the teachers of the College.
It must also present a report on the activity carried out relating to:
1) the progress of the research work;
2) attendance of PhD courses or courses at other institutions (indicating the number of credits achieved);
3) participation in seminars/webminars/congresses organized by the PhD or by other institutions;
4) the supplementary/didactic activity carried out (with an indication of the number of credits achieved)
on the basis of which the Academic Board expresses a judgment of merit and grants (or not) admission to the following year.

List of courses / activities for the third year

More information

Nel terzo ed ultimo anno di corso i Dottorandi sono impegnati nello sviluppo e il completamento della Tesi e partecipano ad alcune attività formative e o integrative di loro specifico interesse.
Sono previsti soggiorni all’estero per completare il lavoro di tesi, compatibilmente con l'emergenza pandemica.

Esclusivamente quelle finalizzate all’approfondimento dei temi relativi alla tesi. Non è contemplato conseguimento di crediti.

ATTIVITA’: Frequenza a CORSI SPECIFICI previsti nell'ATTIVITA’ FORMATIVA del corso di Dottorato.
TIPOLOGIA: SAT (Corsi Singolo Ateneo). Sono esclusivamente:
- corsi Avanzati (A) (specialistici, rivolti ai dottorandi maggiormente interessati e con conoscenze di base già sviluppate) erogati in altri anni di corso e non seguiti.

In the third and final year of the course, PhD students are engaged in the development and completion of the thesis and participate in some training and/or supplementary activities of specific interest to them.
Stays abroad are planned to complete the thesis work, compatibly with the pandemic emergency.

Exclusively those aimed at deepening the topics related to the thesis. The achievement of credits is not contemplated.

ACTIVITY: Attendance of SPECIFIC COURSES foreseen in the EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY of the PhD course.
TYPE: SAT (Single University Courses). They are exclusively:
- Advanced courses (A) (specialised, aimed at the most interested doctoral students and with basic knowledge already developed) delivered in other years of the course and not followed.

ACTIVITY: Attendance of COLLABORATION COURSES organized by other Universities with which collaborations have been established (Northeastern University, Boston (USA); Milan Polytechnic; Turin Polytechnic; University of Naples Federico II, University of Bologna, University of Perugia; University of Lucca).
TYPE: CU, CUEN (Courses in Collaboration with other Universities or Institutions) type (A), advanced/specialist

ACTIVITY: Participation in SEMINARS/WEBMINAR/CONFERENCES to explore specific topics related to research areas of main interest to the PhD student.
TYPE: Seminars/Webminars/Conferences (organized by the Doctorate itself or in collaboration with it (a)) and external (organized by other Institutions (b))
a) The PhD student chooses to attend seminars by Italian and foreign scholars or the work of a conference;
b) The PhD student upon his request, authorized by the Supervisor or invited by other Institutions (Universities, Organizations), is authorized by the Coordinator to carry out an external mission with the support of the funds dedicated to the mobility of the PhD students themselves. Details on the documentation to be provided at the link:

ACTIVITY: STUDY or RESEARCH periods abroad for the completion of the doctoral thesis.
METHOD: The PhD student is invited by the host Institution, authorized by the Supervisor and the Coordinator. In addition to the scholarship extension provided by the University, the PhD student is supported for mobility within the limits of the funds available to each one. Details on the documentation to be provided at the link:
Specific rules for permanence abroad concern theses carried out in CO-TUTEL with foreign universities.

PhD students are invited to participate only in supplementary activities of specific interest for the completion of the thesis.

Method of admission to the final examination

The rules of the Sapienza Regulation 8.3.2022 will be followed with the help of the new platform for external referees.
- Within the month of October (or according to the indications of the Board for PhD students who started work on dates other than November 1), the PhD student in the third year of the course must present the progress of the thesis by defining the main results achieved, placing them in the specific research context and identifying possible future lines of research. The public presentation will take the form of a seminar, accompanied by IT support, and discussed with the teachers of the College.
- The Academic Board subsequently appoints two external evaluators, also belonging to foreign institutions. By 15 December, the evaluators express a written analytical judgment on the thesis and propose its admission to public discussion in the First Session (February) or the postponement of a period of six months (September), if they deem significant additions or corrections necessary.
- Within one month of the Final Examination, PhD students are summoned to present the complete thesis work, including any additions proposed by the external evaluators.
- On the basis of the presentation of the Theses to the Board and considering the judgments of the external evaluators, the candidates are admitted or not to take the Final Examination in the First Session (February).
- PhD students who have had a) career suspension or b) a postponement by the evaluators
external candidates, following a negative judgment or to complete the research work, will take the exam in the Second Session (generally in September).

Final examination

The PhD thesis is written in Italian or English (or in another language with the authorization of the Academic Board).
The public discussion of the thesis takes place before an examining commission composed of n. 3 full or associate professors and researchers, from Italian universities other than Sapienza, belonging to the disciplinary sectors of reference of the SSD Doctorate ICAR 07 (Geotechnics), ICAR 08 (Construction Science) and ICAR09 (Construction Technique).
In the case of co-tutorship, the Examination Commission, appointed by the Rectors of the two universities, will be composed of scholars expressed by the two institutions in an even number and must include at least no. 4 members, excluding the thesis directors who can participate in the discussion of the thesis but not in the evaluation.
The title of Doctor of Research ("Dott. Ric." or "Ph.D.") is released following the positive evaluation of the examining Commission.

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