Study plan for the academic year 2022/2023

List of courses / activities for the first year

Advanced Topics in Reinforcement Learning: From Theory to Practice 2
Thinking outside the box: adversarial behavior and unconventional attack vectors from security research 2
Incomplete Data - Theory in Practice 2
Advanced techniques for finding bugs in real-world software 2
High performances computing 2
Progressive Data Analysis and Visualization 2
Digital watermarking and steganography 1

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The courses shown in the above table are organized by the PhD in Engineering in Computer Science and are given in English.
Some of these courses are open also to external PhD students.
For each course, it is possible to ask for taking an exam to assign the corresponding credits.

Courses details:

Marco Angelini (DIAG, Sapienza) - Progressive Data Analysis and Visualization
Roberto Capobianco (Sony AI, Zurich) - Advanced Topics in Reinforcement Learning: From Theory to Practice
Daniele Cono D'Elia & Giuseppe Di Luna (DIAG, Sapienza) - Thinking outside the box: adversarial behavior and unconventional attack vectors from security research
Marco Console (DIAG Sapienza) - Incomplete Data - Theory in Practice
Emilio Coppa (DIAG Sapienza) - Advanced techniques for finding bugs in real-world software
Fabrizio d'Amore (DIAG Sapienza) - Digital watermarking and steganography
Christian Napoli (DIAG Sapienza) - High performances computing
Thomas Ciarfuglia, Massimo Mecella - Introduction to Research Methods and Theories of Science

Christian Napoli (DIAG, Sapienza) - AI for Visual Perception in HCI & HRI is now part of Elective in AI


Other courses can be taken from master degrees upon approval by the tutor and board of professors.

Method of choosing the subject of the thesis

The subject of the thesis is chosen in agreement with the tutor assigned to the student. The research activity during the first year is mainly focused on studying the state of the art and the open scientific problems.

Admission to the second year

Delivery of a scientific report (about 10 pages) for admission to next year, and presentation to a commission of PhD members. Completion of all the exams agreed in the study plan for the first year.

List of courses / activities for the second year

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Method of preparation of the thesis

Admission to the third year

List of courses / activities for the third year

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Method of admission to the final examination

Final examination

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