The National PhD in Artificial Intelligence ( concerns a central theme for digital transformation of society. It aims to mobilize the national community for a PhD in AI at the highest scientific level, such as to boost research and the country's industrial and social innovation.
The is implemented, with the coordination of the CNR and the University of Pisa, with the establishment of 5 federated AI doctorates, organized by a university leader and a large consortium of universities and research institutions. Doctorates have a common base focused on the foundational aspects of AI e 5 areas of specialization:
• Security and cybersecurity, Sapienza University of Rome
• Health and life sciences, University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome
• Agrifood and environment, University of Naples Federico II
• Industry 4.0, Turin Polytechnic
• Society, University of Pisa.
Specific objectives of the PhD-AI are:
• Build a community of young researchers in training and AI researchers distributed at a territorial and disciplinary level;
• Encourage the exchange of multi-disciplinary experiences between the nodes of the network through the periods of didactic and research mobility of the PhD students;
• Integrate and strengthen the Italian network of AI research centers, also in relation to the European ICT-48-H2020 program "Towards a vibrant European network of AI excellence centers ”and the European human-centered and trustworthy AI development strategy.
Useful linksSapienza PhD Programmes