
Data Science is an interdisciplinary field of study that has established itself in recent years in order to offer the methodological tools and technologies necessary for the management and analysis of big data and their valorisation in industry, services, and search. The phenomenon of big data has revolutionized countless sectors of economic-social activity. The phenomenon of big data has also profoundly modified the research methodologies and the development of technological innovation in numerous disciplines and applications. The main objective of this PhD is the realization of interdisciplinary research projects of Data Science that lead to the development of innovative methodologies and technologies based on the use of big data in the following fields of application:

i) Advanced digital platforms,
ii) Management of urban spaces and environmental resources
iii) Medicine and health
iv) Economic and Social Analysis

Data Science receives the decisive contribution of computer science, statistics, engineering, applied mathematics, and academic disciplines that help to understand the impact of big data in applications. These skills are widely represented in the Scientific Disciplinary Sectors that compose the PhD Committee, both with reference to the core competences of Data Science and to the applications indicated above.

Le attività presentate in questa pagina sono finanziate totalmente, o in parte, dalla Regione Lazio nell'ambito dei programmi POR Lazio FSE 2014/2020 e POR Lazio FSE 2021/2027


Le attività presentate in questa pagina sono finanziate totalmente, o in parte, dai fondi del Piano nazionale di ripresa e resilienza.
L'elenco e le finalità delle attività intraprese dalla Sapienza sono descritte nella pagina dedicata Sapienza per il Pnrr.

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