Data Science PhD for the Museum of Classical Art (Friday, January 29, 2021 14:00 - 16:00)


PhD in Data Science - Museum of Classical Art University of Rome "La Sapienza

Prof. Stefano Leonardi (Coordinator of the PhD in Data Science) Prof. Marcello Barbanera
(Director of the Museum of Classical Art)

Recognizing emotions: a dynamic path between works of art and memes
Prof. Davide Nadali (Sapienza University) Prof. Antonella Sbrilli (Sapienza University)

Presentation of the projects of the PhD students in Data Science:
POSE-ID-on: a novel framework for artwork pose clustering
Lorenzo Lastilla, Valerio Marsocci

How an image "understands" a work of art
Federico Fusco, Valerio Guarrasi, Andrea Marcocchia, Giovanni Trappolini

A neural network approach for Artwork Era Classification
Giorgio Barnabò, Tommaso Lanciano, Luca Maiano

Art Image Classification through Deep Learning
Matteo Böhm, Andrea Mastropietro, Giuseppe Pasculli, Marco Zecchini

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