Annual report

The students participated in seminars organized within the PhD program at Sapienza and in other Neuroscience centers with which there are scientific collaborations (CNR, EBRI, IRCSS S Lucia, ISS, EMBL, IIT).
The students of the first year were introduced to the research activity of the laboratory to which they were also assigned thanks to the supervision of the students of the last year. Specific courses have been organized for them on preliminary topics (animal experimentation, biological data analysis, introduction to the use of Matlab for data analysis and psychometrics, job training course). Some of them also had the opportunity to present the preliminary results at national conferences or congresses (e.g., the PhD National Meeting organized by the Italian Society of Neurosciences).
Every student of the second year was fully involved on research carried out at Sapienza structures or structures where collaboration agreements exist. Among the methods treated we report: Analysis of functional magnetic resonance data in patients and healthy subjects; Description of behavioral characteristics in animal models of diseases; Electrophysiological analysis of behavioral correlates in animal models and in humans; Functional anatomy studies in animal models and in humans; Biochemical analyzes in tissues from animal models used in experimental procedures; Use of transcranial stimulation with direct currents and magnetic stimulation in human subjects; database creation; neuropharmacology studies in animal models; in vitro cellular analysis of models of neuronal pathologies.
Third year students participated in numerous Congresses and Conferences (national and international) to report the results of their research activities (Italian Society of Neuroscience; American Society of Neuroscience; TRF conference; Italian Association of Psychology; European Brain & Behavior Society; EBPS ; Alzheimer Association International Congress; International Behavior Neuroscience Society, etc.)

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