Collaboration among PhD students: We organized three events aimed at promoting collaboration among PhD students. These events included informational meetings followed by social moments, thus creating opportunities both to update on ongoing activities and to foster the informal exchange of ideas and experiences among participants.
Participation in national and international conferences: Our PhD students had the opportunity to participate in numerous conferences, during which they presented a variety of papers. Active participation in these conferences not only allowed them to share their work and research, but also fostered the development of meaningful relationships with other researchers and similar research institutions. These connections have been essential to promote collaboration on research projects of European scope and beyond.
Activity Detail 39th CYCLE: During the first year of the course, the doctoral students participated in the planned activities, consisting of seminars on specific topics for infrastructure and transport held by Italian and foreign professors. In October 2024, they sent and presented their research project to the Teaching Board, which was approved, except for the student DENSU SOLOMON NTOW who was excluded from the Doctorate for his absence, without justification, at the meeting with the Teaching Board, where he was supposed to present his research. The web page of each doctoral student contains details of the research in progress and the publications carried out.
- AFSARI MARZIEH (DM118): Tutor: Prof. Gentile. Research topic: "Using AI in transportation".
- ALPHALASI ABDULLA THANI: Tutor: Prof. Persia. Research topic: "Autonomous Vehicle Safety Assessment (vulnerable road users interaction with AV)".
- BOHLOULI RAMIN (DM118): Tutor: Prof. Gentile. Research topic: "Discrete choice analysis".
- BOVE MARIA GIULIA (INPS): Tutor: Prof. Gentile. Research topic: "The impact of companies on sustainable mobility and the environment: mobility management and smart working".
- FAROKHSIAR MIAD (National Centre): Tutor: Prof. Licciardello. Research topic: "Innovative Operation of Rail Freight Terminals".
- GOTALAY OLGA (Sapienza): Tutor: Prof. Ricci. Research topic: "Improvement of container terminal operations by partial and full automation".
- MEROLLA MANUEL (Sapienza): Tutor: Prof. Persia. Research topic: "Crowdsourcing functionalities applied to the sustainable mobility sector".
- NICHELE STEFANO: Tutor: Prof. D’Andrea. Research topic: "Risk analyses and sustainability assessments of airport infrastructures".
- PASHA MOHADESEH (National Center): Tutor: Prof. Colombaroni. Research topic: "Technologies for monitoring urban mobility".
- POURKHOSRO SIAVASH (DM118): Tutor: Prof. Gentile. Research topic: "Sustainability in Transportation Through Emission Monitoring and Digital Innovation".
- RICCIO GENNARO (Sapienza): Tutor: Prof. Moretti. Research topic: "LCA and LCC studies on railway sleepers in recompressed reinforced concrete".
- SHOJAEI KAVEH (National Center): Tutor: Prof. Fusco. Research topic: "Methodology of analysis and simulation of urban mobility".
- TANIMKI SIVA SAI HOSHITHA: Tutor: Prof. Ricci. Research topic: "Detecting RailwaySleeper Defects using Computer Vision and Exploring New Materials for Sleeper Design".
- TKACHENKO IRYNA (DM118): Tutor: Prof. Persia. Research topic: "Optimization of transport strategic planning process in medium-term intervention".
Activity Detail 38th CYCLE: During the second year of the course, the PhD students participated in the planned activities, consisting of seminars on specific topics for infrastructure and transport held by Italian and foreign professors. In October 2024, they sent and presented the update of the research project to the Teaching Board. They also spent various periods away from home for scientific collaborations related to their thesis, for participation in winter or summer schools and national and international conferences. The web page of each PhD student contains details of the ongoing research and publications.
- CHIA NGWAH ELVIS (Sapienza): Tutor: Prof. Persia. Research topic: "Upgrading Road Safety Assessments Methodologies based on Innovative Technologies". Study Trips: University of Zagreb from 07/07/2024 to 27/09/2024. Participation in projects: in collaboration with ASTRAL SPA, Regione Marche.
- DE PACE ALESSANDRA MARIA: Tutor: Prof. Crespi. Research topic: "Variometric approach applied to the troposphere: from an hourly to a real time knowledge of the tropospheric delay". Study Trips: University of Wroclaw from 06/05/2024 to 26/05/2024. Participation in projects: PRIN-PNRR 2022 – P20228LMA2 – NEW-AGENT, IAG W.G. 4.3.9.
- FEUDJIO TEZONG STEFFEL LUDIVIN(Sapienza): Tutor: Prof. Persia. Research topic: "Conflict-based approach for road safety analysis: New insights and development of a conflict-based crash estimation model for a mixed traffic". Study Trips: University of Zagreb from 02/09/2024 to 11/09/2024 for participation in summer schools on road safety. Participation in projects: Trendline, development of an accident prediction model in collaboration with ASTRAL SPA.
- MANSOURYAR SAEED (PNRR351): Tutor: Prof. Fusco. Research topic: "Machine Learning Application for Transportation Models". Study Trips: the signing of the agreement for the study trip to the University of Braunschweig has begun.
- ROBINSON MATTHEW (Sapienza): Tutor: Prof. Corazza. Research topic: "A novel assessment of the environmental impacts of water management technologies at bus garages". Participation in projects: LIFEH2OBUS, DEMASTER, MEDITRANSLOG, SQUADRE.
- SHAHIDZADEH ARABANI SINA (Sapienza): Tutor: Prof. Licciardello. Research topic: "Running gears track friendliness assessment by using wayside measurements".
Activity Detail 37th CYCLE: During the third year of the course, the PhD students finalized theirresearch and produced their thesis. In October 2024, they presented their research to the Teaching Board, which admittedall PhD students to the final exam. They also spent various periods away from home for scientific collaborations relatedto their thesis and for participation in national and international conferences. There were various collaborations withcompanies, due to the strong presence of PON grants within the 37th cycle (PTV Group, Movesion srl, CTLup srl, MovingProjects srl, Almaviva, SIA). There were numerous collaborations between students, culminating in several publicationsin journals and presentations at conferences as reported in the IRIS catalog. The web page of each PhD student containsdetails of the research in progress and the publications carried out.
- ALAKBARLI EMIN (Wisdom): Tutor: Prof. Guarascio, Prof. Gentile. Research topic: "Risk Assessment from Multiple Hazards in Underground Systems". Study Trips: CERN Geneva from 04/03/2023 to 07/31/2023; Lund University from 09/11/2023 to 12/15/2023; CERN Geneva from 01/03/2024 to 05/07/2024. Request title of "Doctor Europaeus". Admitted to the final exam in January 2025.
- BABAPOURDIJOJIN MAHNAZ (PON): Tutor: Prof. Gentile. Research topic: "Citizen Travel Habits: a new solution to encourage sustainable commuting and facilitate the assessment of mobility management policies". Admitted to the final exam in May 2025.
- BERUTTI BERGOTTO MELISSA (PON): Tutor: Prof. Gentile. Research topic: "Smart Working: a decision support system for companies which incorporates its impacts on the city environment" Admitted to the final exam in May 2025.
- FONDZENYUY STEPHEN KOME (PON): Tutor: Prof. Persia. Research topic: "Advancing knowledge on speed management and developing a speed prediction model for a mixed traffic". Study Trips: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Travaux Publics Yaoundé from 01/07/2023 to 01/01/2024. Participation in projects: Panacea, Trendline. Admitted to the final exam in January 2025.
- GALUPPI MARTA (PON): Tutor: Prof. Lombardi. Research topic: "Safety solutions for Smart tunnels: green island, technical devices and technological systems for sustainable development goals". Study Trips: DTU Denmark from 01/11/2023 to 29/01/2024. "Doctor Europaeus" title requested. Participation in projects: RETURN. Admitted to the final exam of May 2025.
- HAMOUDZADEH ALIREZA (PON): Tutor: Prof. Crespi. Research topic: "Earth Observation big data exploitation for water reservoirs and glaciers continuous monitoring". Participation in projects: GRAW. Admitted to the final exam of January 2025.
- HOSSEINI SEYEDHASSAN (Sapienza): Tutor: Prof. Gentile. Research topic: "Trip Phase Recognition and Transport Mode Classification Through Mobile Sensing Technologies". Study Trips: University of Luxembourg from 01/06/2023 to 31/12/2023. "Doctor Europaeus" title required. Admitted to the final exam in January 2025.
- HUSEYNOV ARIF (PON): Tutor: Prof. Gentile. Research topic: "Modular System for Corporate Mobility Management". Admitted to the final exam in May 2025.
- IPPOLITO NICOLA (Sapienza): Tutor: Prof. Gentile. Research topic: "Improving the Service of Urban Logistics through a Web-Platform Solution: Efficiency Strategies from Operative Analysis". Study Trips: TU Delft from 13/09/2023 to 24/12/2023. "Doctor Europaeus" title required. Admitted to the final exam in January 2025.
- LAHIJANIAN ZAHRA (PON): Tutor: Prof. Fusco. Research topic: "Development and Implementation of Calibration Methods for Macrosimulation traffic model". Study Trips: TUM Munich from 04/03/2024 to 01/06/2024. "Doctor Europaeus" title required. Admitted to the final exam in May 2025.
- MASTROROSA SARA: Tutor: Prof. Crespi, Eng. Munafò. Research topic: "Integration of SAR and optical data for an automatic land consumption monitoring using Machine Learning algorithm". Admitted to the final exam in January 2025.
- MOHAMMADI MOSTAFA(Sapienza): Tutor: Prof. Colombaroni. Research topic: "Stochastic Programming for Optimizing Sustainable Urban Logistics: Multi-Period Production-Routing and Reverse Logistics". Admitted to the final exam in January 2025.
- PELUSO PAOLO (Sapienza): Tutor: Prof. Cantisani. Research topic: "Proactive approach to road infrastructure safety through evaluation of traffic operating conditions and territorial context". Participation in projects: University project 2021 "Reliability of behavioral models and effectiveness of speed limits for improving road safety: analysis using Floating Car Data and high-throughput surveys". Admitted to the final exam in January 2025.
- RAHMANIFAR GOLMAN (PON): Tutor: Prof. Fusco. Research topic: "Green Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization: IoT-Driven Solutions for Modern Urban Challenges". Admitted to the final exam in January 2025.
- SALEHI SALAR (PON): Tutor: Prof. Gentile. Research topic: "Towards Sustainable and Efficient Last-Mile Logistics: From Routing Algorithms to Crowdshipping Solutions". Study Trips: TU Delft from 01/04/2024 to 29/06/2024. Request title of "Doctor Europaeus". Admitted to the final exam in May 2025.
- SHAH SYED HAMZA ALI (PON): Tutor: Prof. Gentile. Research topic: "Strategic Transport Modeling for Mega-Projects: Development of Multimodal Transport Solutions for NEOM City Integrated with Intensive Scenario Management". Admitted to the final exam in May 2025.
- VARGHESE KEN KOSHY (PON): Tutor: Prof. Gentile. Research topic: "Data-Driven and Machine Learning Approaches for Transport Planning and Management." Admitted to the final exam in May 2025.
- VITA LORENZO (PON): Tutor: Prof. Loprencipe. Research topic: "Integrating Materials Characteristics in Design". Admitted to the final exam in May 2025.
Activity Detail 36th CYCLE: All the PhD students of the 36th cycle completed their career in 2024, with the exception of the student AZARKO ANASTASIA who requested an extension to finish her thesis work, which will be completed in 2025, and the student GHOSLYA SAMARTH, in co-tutorship in the 4th year with CY Cergy Paris, who finalized his research and was admitted to the final exam during the Faculty Board of October 2024.
AMENDOLA MATTEO (Sapienza): Tutor: Prof. Crespi. Research topic: "Low-cost GNSS Integrated Solution for Structural Health Monitoring". Title obtained on 02/09/2024. AZARKO ANASTASIYA (Sapienza): Tutor: Prof. Persia. Research topic: "Impact assessment of automated transportation with the focus on a comparison between automated road freight transport and automated waterborne transport". BRUNO SALVATORE (Sapienza): Tutor: Prof. Loprencipe. Research topic: "Low-cost monitoring systems for the diagnostics of urban road pavements". Title obtained on 02/09/2024. ELDAFRAWI MOHAMED (Sapienza): Tutor: Prof. Gentile. Research topic: "Advanced Optimization and Deep Learning for Enhanced Urban Traffic Management and Safety". Study trips: DTU Denmark, 10 months. Title obtained on 05/24/2024. ERDINC GIZEM: Tutor: Prof. Fusco. Research topic: "TWO-STAGE FUZZY TRAFFIC STATE IDENTIFIER". Title obtained on 02/09/2024. GHOSLYA SAMARTH (Sapienza, co-supervision CY Cergy Paris): Tutor: Prof. Delle Site, Prof. André De Palma. Research topic: "System Optimal Ridesharing and Traffic Equilibrium". KAVIANI NADIA (Sapienza): Tutor: Prof. Ricci. Research topic: "Track Geometry Monitoring using Measured Data from Commercial Trains towards Predictive Maintenance". Study Trips: Norwegian University of Science and Technology from 01/03/2022 to 31/08/2022. Title obtained on 24/05/2024. LUCIANI GIULIA (Sapienza): Tutor: Prof. Mattogno. Research topic: "COMPLEX HERITAGE Urbanized deltas between waters, heritage and cities". Study Trips: KTH ROYAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, STOCKHOLM, 1 month; GDANSK UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, GDANSK, 1 month; UNIVERSIDADE LUSOFONA, LISBON, 1 month. Title obtained on 09/02/2024.Activity Details 35th CYCLE: The PhD student VITELARU ELENA CATALINA took the final exam in January 2024, completing her study path.