Annual report


The students participated in the seminars organized as part of the Doctorate at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" and in the training activities promoted during the year (Academy of Medicine, S.T.I.C.H. Seminars). Most of the meetings took place with the help of the MEET platform due to the restrictions on COVID19. In this year of activity, the Doctorate has found itself having to face numerous critical issues that have been successfully overcome both by the PhD students and by the members of the college. Restrictions that have unfortunately reduced the possibility of performing periods of performances abroad or the possibility of participating in National and / International Congresses. Despite this, remote management has given the opportunity to involve a wider audience of students and colleagues in seminars and training activities. Furthermore, the remote activity has also allowed the attendance of foreign doctoral students who carry out part of their research activity at foreign structures. Specifically, there is a strong correspondence between what is planned in terms of teaching and what is delivered. Scientific products have remained at a very high level and there has been a significant increase in the number of publications produced by both PhD students and faculty. Furthermore, the number of collaborations between groups belonging to different research projects has increased.

The increased scientific impact of the activities of the doctorate has meant that the number of applications from Italian students but above all those from foreign countries both EU and non-EU have increased. To respond to these requests, the entire college has committed itself to trying to expand the number of places available through agreements with external bodies potentially able to finance additional scholarships and is also in an advanced state of definition a project of internationalization of the doctorate itself.


Performed activities:

  • Phd students at I year were introduced to research activities related to their chosen study background. They participated in events and activities, expanding and consolidating their scientific knowledge regarding their field of interest and stimulated them to develop a broader view of the topics covered, allowing them to acquire additional skills. The first year study plan has been detailed in the "Study Plan" section of the website.
  • Phd students at II year in addition to participating in the lessons provided for by the Doctorate, found themselves fully facing the research activity, being carried out at Sapienza facilities or structures with which collaboration agreements exist.
-Advanced meetings on cardiorespiratory pathophysiology
Advanced meetings on cardiac pathophysiology
Advanced meetings on respiratory physiopathology
Research methodology II


-on the basics of cardiorespiratory pathophysiology

-on cardiac pathophysiology

-on respiratory pathophysiology

-on the epidemiology of vascular diseases

-on the epidemiology of respiratory diseases

  • Phd students at III year have participated in numerous Congresses and Conferences mainly online and where possible in presence, showing and presenting Posters and / or Oral presentations of their research activity. Finally, they took the final exam which took place through a collegial discussion.

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