The McDonaldization of Society. A review of George Ritzer’s main contribution

Modern societies are getting more and more particular in terms of efficient, predictable, calculable, substitutable, and controllable goods. What is required is not a “less rational” society, but more control over “the process of razionalization”. This can be achieved through McDonaldization, a process by which the characteristics of the fast food restaurants are coming to take over more and more sectors of American society and the world (since mid-60s). McDonaldization is spreading to every sector of society; we will discuss about other segments of our lives that this process has recently expanded to and about its “irrational” trade-offs (new forms of alienation).

6 Aprile - 15.30 -17.30 AULA B8 via Salaria

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma