Annual report

1. PhD students 2nd year
This part of the report refers to the academic year 2021-22, the first of the doctoral program (XXXVII cycle), which includes a total of 23 students with 18 grants, including:
- 12 Sapienza
- 3 PON
- 2 incoming students (Call for the year 2021 PhD Applied Social Sciences)
- Agreement with the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

A. Teaching activities :
The teaching activities were divided into three terms and were conducted in English. They started on 9 November 2021 with the course Introduction to the doctoral program: theories and methods in Social and Economic Sciences for students of all curricula. They continued in the second term with courses partly articulated by curriculum, partly common.
Some courses for curricula 1, 2, 4 and 5 were delivered in collaboration with the PhD School of Economics* of Sapienza University. Ordinary courses are accompanied by seminar activities, both organised by the doctorate and external and offered to students.

List of courses:

1. Finance and Institutions
Introduction to the doctoral program: theories and methods in Social and Economic Sciences
Probability and Statistics (*)
Mathematics and Financial Mathematics (*)
Economics (part I - Micro) (*)
Economics (part II - Macro) (*)
Econometrics (*)

Computational Tools for Statistics (*)
Computational Tools for Finance (*)

2. Economics and Development
Introduction to the doctoral program: theories and methods in Social and Economic Sciences
Probability and Statistics (*)
Mathematics (*)
Economics (part I - Micro) (*)
Econometrics (*)

Computational Tools for Statistics (*)
Development Economics (Economics of malnutrition; Vulnerability and resilience)
Methods of evaluation
Economic Geography (*)

Applied Health Economics

3. Sociology and applied social research
Introduction to the doctoral program: theories and methods in Social and Economic Sciences
Theories and issues in contemporary sociology
Education & knowledge practices in contemporary society
Education & knowledge practices in contemporary society
Introduction to advanced public policy analysis, governance and evaluation

Social research methods and techniques
Space, cultures and politics in contemporary society
Economic Geography (*)

4. Statistics and social data science
Introduction to the doctoral program: theories and methods in Social and Economic Sciences
Probability and Statistics (*)
Mathematics (*)
Sampling techniques and statistical surveys for social sciences

Social research methods and techniques
Statistical modeling for social sciences
Multidimensional analysis for social sciences

5. Public policy analysis and evaluation
Introduction to the doctoral program: theories and methods in Social and Economic Sciences
Probability and Statistics (*)
Mathematics (*)
Econometrics (*)
Introduction to advanced public policy analysis, governance and evaluation

Social research methods and techniques
Methods of evaluation
Statistical modelling for economy
Economic Geography (*)

B. Research activities:

All PhD students are carrying out their planned research activities*. All have been assigned a supervisor.

The provisional titles of the research in progress are:

1. A unified Marxist framework for the socio-economic analysis of the middle class in Italy: Theory and empirical evidence
2. Buen Vivir and ancestral knowledge: an opportunity to re-think development and sustainability models.
3. Care regime in Italy and its organization at the regional level
4. Child marriage and gender-based violence among Syrian refugees in Lebanon
5. Conformal Prediction applied on Recursive-Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium models: how to derive prediction sets and performance bounds with a model-agnostic approach
6. Counterfactual analysis of the effects of cohesion policy for interventions on the enhancement of cultural capital endowments and the strengthening of tourist attractiveness
7. Crisis and technological innovation: a sociological perspective on the cultural and political conditions of accumulation strategies on an urban scale. The case of the Rome Technopole
8. Education levels as a dependent and independent variable. Impact analysis on the dimensions of employability, health and well-being and civic participation
9. Engendering Development in light of social reproduction
10. Evaluation of anti-gambling policies: a counterfactual analysis for Italy
11. Gender gap in top leadership positions
12. Green finance for the bioeconomy: the role of standards and certifications. A behavioral case study of benefit corporation Novamont S.p.a
13. Migrants and local development in the Italian Inner Areas: opportunities and critical issues
14. Public acceptance of energy transition technologies
15. Rethinking Transnational Feminist Movements. The Commission on the Status of Women as a space for change
16. SMEs to the test of the green economy: social impacts and gender inclusion
17. Study on the differences in the school choices of Italian students in the preand post-pandemic period. Diachronic analysis of PISA 2000-2022 data
18. Sustainable nutrition
19. The Challenges and Experiences of Transgender Students in Italian High Schools: alias career and normalization
20. The evaluation of research infrastructures in Europe. The case of ESFRI and a mixed approach between networks and impacts
21. The Welfare outside the Welfare: the role of the local association in forced migration settlement in Curitiba (Brazil) and Rome (Italy)
22. Venture capital and Artificial Intelligence

* One doctoral student is on medical suspension, authorised by the Board of teachers on 28/10/2022. One doctoral student (incoming student 2021) started his actual career on 02/05/2022, with suspension/freezing from 01/11/2021 to 30/04/2022.

Study periods abroad are ongoing and others are planned.

In the course of the academic year 2021/22, 10 publications were uploaded to IRIS:

1. 11573/1620480 - 2022 - Le relazioni internazionali COLANTONI, FABRIZIO - 02a Capitolo o Articolo libro: Progetto rinascita centro italia - nuovi sentieri di sviluppo per l’appennino centrale interessato dal sisma del 2016 - (9788850104116)
2. 11573/1670759 - 2022 - Migracidades 2020: sistematização e análise dos dados sobre a dimensão de acesso à saúde DE CARVALHO, ELISA CRISTINA; DE CARVALHO, ELISA CRISTINA; DE CARVALHO, ELISA CRISTINA - 03h Pubblicazione di fonti inedite
3. 11573/1610720 - 2021 - Favelas e a pandemia de COVID-19, uma tragédia anunciada? / Slums and COVID-19, chronicle of a tragedy foretold DE CARVALHO, ELISA CRISTINA - 01a Articolo in rivista rivista: PENSAR ACADÊMICO (Manhuaçu MG: Centro Universitário UNIFACIG Manhuaçu MG: Faculdade de Ciências Gerenciais de Manhaçu) pp. - - issn: 2674-7499 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)
4. 11573/1670750 - 2021 - FAVELAS E A PANDEMIA DE COVID-19, UMA TRAGEDIA ANUNCIADA? DE CARVALHO, ELISA CRISTINA - 01a Articolo in rivista rivista: PENSAR ACADÊMICO (Manhuaçu MG: Centro Universitário UNIFACIG Manhuaçu MG: Faculdade de Ciências Gerenciais de Manhaçu) pp. - - issn: 2674-7499 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)
5. 11573/1607575 - 2022 - Governance e metagovernance delle economie urbane: Roma e Milano di fronte alla crisi pandemica D'ALBERGO, ERNESTO; GIOVANELLI, GIORGIO; FASCIANI, TOMMASO - 02a Capitolo o Articolo libro: Settimo Rapporto sulle città. Chi possiede la città? Proprietà, poteri, politiche - (978-88-15-29481-4)
6. 11573/1632455 - 2022 - La governance urbana transnazionale di fronte alla crisi Covid-19: il caso dell’International Urban Cooperation Programme dell’Unione europea D'ALBERGO, ERNESTO; FASCIANI, TOMMASO - 02a Capitolo o Articolo libro: Covid, azione pubblica e crisi della contemporaneità. Primato o declino della politica? - (978-88-9377-211-2)
7. 11573/1603843 - 2021 - Agende e politiche urbane per l'economia: ecosistemi dell'innovazione a Roma e Milano FASCIANI, TOMMASO - 02a Capitolo o Articolo libro: Una geografia delle politiche urbane tra possesso e governo. Sfide e opportunità nella transizione - (9788854970656)
8. 11573/1670010 - 2023 - Aree interne e università: sviluppi sinergici IANNACE, DAVIDE EMANUELE - 02a Capitolo o Articolo libro: Give back. Una best practice per la partecipazione dei giovani nelle aree interne - (979-12-5514-068-9)
9. 11573/1672236 - 2021 - Femminismi postcoloniali e transnazionali FIORLETTA, SERENA - 02a Capitolo o Articolo libro: Femminismi. Idee, movimenti, conflitti - (9791280097002)
10. 11573/1672403 - 2021 - Palestinian Women’s Activism: Nationalism, Secularism, Islamism FIORLETTA, SERENA - 01d Recensione rivista: RICERCHE DI STORIA POLITICA (Societa Editrice il Mulino Spa:Strada Maggiore 37, I 40125 Bologna Italy:011 39 051 256011, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 39 051 256034) pp. - - issn: 1120-9526 - wos: WOS:000651607500044 (0) - scopus: (0)

During the year, students also presented 11 papers at official conferences and seminars:

- Colantoni F., Ladu M.G., Masi T., “Direct and indirect impact of earthquakes on economic growth: some evidence from Italian provinces” working paper presented at the 34th SIEP (Società Italiana di Economia Pubblica) 2022 Conference.
- Colantoni F., Iapadre L., Parco M., Persio R., "Specialization or diversification of local production systems? Size matters", working paper presented at the 20th Annual SIEPI (Società Italiana di Economia e Politica Industriale) workshop 2022;
- Colantoni F., Di Stefano C., Iapadre L., Ladu M.G., Persio R., “FDI and Labor Productivity: Evidence from Italian Regions” working paper presented at the 20th Annual SIEPI (Società Italiana di Economia e Politica Industriale) workshop 2022
- Fasciani T., Il paradigma della sostenibilità e le risposte alla crisi Covid-19: multiscalarità e paradigmi di policy urbane nel caso dell’International Urban Cooperation Programme. Convegno della sezione di sociologia politica AIS, Pisa 7-8 ottobre 2021.
- Fasciani T., Ecosistemi dell’innovazione a Roma: azioni e forme di interazione Convegno della Facoltà di Scienze Politiche, Sociologia, Comunicazione, Roma 26-27 gennaio 2022
- Fasciani T., Governance, metagovernance e PNRR a Roma: spunti per l’analisi e prime evidenze. Riunione scientifica del dipartimento di scienze sociali ed economiche, Roma 24-25 maggio 2022.
- Fasciani T., The urban governance of AI: policies and practices of Italian municipalities. Midterm conference ESA, RN 32 Political sociology, Losanna 10-12 novembre 2022.
- Fasciani T., Poteri sociali e governance dell’intelligenza artificiale nelle politiche della sicurezza urbana: la videosorveglianza a Torino.Convegno di fine mandato AIS – 40 anni, Napoli 18-21 gennaio 2023.
- Iannace D., Lang G., Rossi F., Energetic communities: finding a new sociality?, AIS – Sezione Territorio – Convegno di fine mandato, 2022
- Lo Cicero A., Reading performance and educational expectations: an effect estimation of individual and institutional variables, International Conference on Sustainability Analysis – ICSA. Poster session, 15/7/2022”
- Lo Cicero A., Inequalities as a source of social non-sustainability: analysis of post-school choices of students in Rome International Conference on Sustainability Analysis – ICSA. Poster session, 15/7/2022

2. Dottorandi I ANNO
For the academic year 2022/23, 23 PhD students are enrolled in the first year of the course, with 15 scholarships of which:
- 12 Sapienza
- 2 PNRR
- 1 Agreement with the Istituto Superiore di Sanità

The students are following the teaching activities planned for their respective curricula (cf. dedicated page on this website) as well as seminar cycles (cf. dedicated page on this website). All of them have started their own research activities under the supervision of individual tutors. In some cases, contacts have already been made with foreign universities for study periods in the second year.
The doctoral students with PNRR grants have initiated contacts with the partner administration and with foreign universities and research centres in order to plan the stays provided for under DM 351

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma