Programmed study plan for the academic year 2020/2021

List of courses / activities for the first year

Idraulica numerica e sperimentale 6
Meccanica dei fluidi ambientale 6
Impianti di trattamento delle acque 9
Geofisica ambientale 9
Metodi matematici per l'ingegneria 6
Calcolo numerico 6
Probabilità e statistica 6
Bonifica, ripristino e riqualificazione dei siti contaminati 9
Climatologia applicata 9
Geofisica per la difesa del suolo 9
Idraulica ambientale e marittima 9
Idraulica dei sistemi naturali 6
Impianti di trattamento dei rifiuti solidi 9
Protezione idraulica del territorio e dei litorali 9
Recupero e riciclo dei materiali 9
Studio di impatto ambientale e analisi di rischio 9
Calcolo numerico con elementi di programmazione 9
Corso di inglese 3
Statistica non parametrica 6
Probabilità II 9
Algoritmi e strutture dati 6
“Numerical Methods for the simulation of the fluid mechanic governing equations for the environmental hydraulic phenomena” (G. Cannata 4ore. Obligatory for hydraulic curriculum, optional for environmental curriculum) 1
“Writing of scientific and technical documents with Latex” (M. Cercato 4ore. Obligatory for both curriculum) 1
“Meshing finite element technique: theoretical notion and software open-source” (G. De Donno 4ore. Obligatory for environmental curriculum, optional for hydraulic curriculum) 1
“Physical modelling in Hydraulic Engineering” (P. De Girolamo 4ore. Obligatory for hydraulic curriculum, optional for environmental curriculum) 1
“Heat transmission notions” (A. D’Orazio 6 ore. Obligatory for environmental curriculum, optional for hydraulic curriculum) 1
“Turbulent closure models in free surface motion equations” (F. Gallerano 4ore. Obligatory for hydraulic curriculum, optional for environmental curriculum) 1
“Stochastic processes in hydrology” (F. Napolitano 4ore. Obligatory for hydraulic curriculum, optional for environmental curriculum) 1
“Hydraulic risks in Rome” (F. Russo 4ore. Obligatory for hydraulic curriculum, optional for environmental curriculum) 1
“Atmospheric turbulent dispersion” (P. Monti 4ore. Obligatory for hydraulic curriculum, optional for environmental curriculum) 1
“Turbulent dispersion in marine environment” (G. Leuzzi 4ore. Obligatory for hydraulic curriculum, optional for environmental curriculum) 1
“Global climate change” (F. Cioffi 4ore. Obligatory for both curriculum) 1
“Isotopic analysis technique applied to the environmental engineering” (G. Sappa 4ore. Obligatory for environmental curriculum, optional for hydraulic curriculum) 1
“New National geodetic reference system RDN2008 and how to manage with free and open source procedures” (V. Baiocchi 4ore. Obligatory for environmental curriculum, optional for hydraulic curriculum) 1
“Policy areas and financial potentiality of the research in European context” (A. D’Orazio 4ore. Obligatory for environmental curriculum, optional for hydraulic curriculum) 1
“Introduction to the modelling of the contaminant in environmental compartments with innovative methodologies” (P. Viotti 4ore. Obligatory for environmental curriculum, optional for hydraulic curriculum) 1
Gestione dei sistemi idrici 6
Geotecnica 9
Idraulica fluviale 6
“Matlab: notions and applicative progresses” (M. Moroni 4ore. Obligatory for hydraulic curriculum, optional for environmental curriculum) 1

More information

In the first year of the PhD course, the student has to attend at least one course chosen among the ones listed above. Those courses can be replaced also by seminars or other courses not present in the list, after the approval of the PhD Board.
The PhD student must carry out laboratory activities. This activity must be carried out in one of the laboratories of the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering: Laboratory of computational hydraulics; laboratory of experimental hydraulics and environmental fluid dynamics; laboratory of hydraulic constructions; laboratory of sanitary-environmental engineering; laboratory of geophysics; laboratory of applied geology and geotechnics.
The PhD student can attend seminars.
The PhD student can propose, to the PhD Board, variations of his formative plan by including courses or seminars different from the ones initially planned or by including additional or different research and formative activities. Such variations must be approved by the PhD Board.

Method of choosing the subject of the thesis

Every PhD student enrolled in the first year of the PhD course must present, to the PhD Board, a proposal of research project aimed to produce an element of originality in the engineering science or in the technological innovation. The subject of the thesis should represent an element of novelty, regarding the theoretical representation of the phenomenon under investigation or the proposed methodological approach (analytic, experimental or numerical). The PhD student carries out a deep bibliographic research in order to define the state of the art in the subject of the thesis, identify a problem and the methodological tools that he intends to use for solving the problem (theoretical, experimental or numerical) and makes a research proposal to the PhD Board. The PhD Board evaluates the proposal and provides the student with a tutor chosen among the PhD Board and, possibly, a co-tutor that can be external to the PhD Board.

Admission to the second year

For the admission to the next year, two verifications are carried out during the first year: a first verification before July and a second one in October. Both the verifications consist in an oral presentation by the student in front of the PhD Board. The first one is aimed to allow the student to present the main elements of his research project, the state of the art of the subject of his thesis and the goals that he wants to achieve. After this verification, the PhD Board provides the student with suggestions concerning possible modifications, insights and corrections to the presented research project. The second verification aims to allow the student to present the main elements of his research project, the state of the art of the problem, the state of progress of his methodological tool (analytical, experimental or numerical) and the possible partial results obtained in the first year. After this verification, if the PhD Board considers positively the work of the student, the student is admitted to the next year. 

List of courses / activities for the second year

More information

In the second year of the PhD course, the student is not required to attend any course.
The PhD student must carry out laboratory activities. This activity must be carried out in one of the laboratories of the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering: Laboratory of computational hydraulics; laboratory of experimental hydraulics and environmental fluid dynamics; laboratory of hydraulic constructions; laboratory of sanitary-environmental engineering; laboratory of geophysics; laboratory of applied geology and geotechnics.
The PhD student can attend seminars.
The PhD student can propose, to the PhD Board, variations of his formative plan by including courses or seminars or research and formative activities. Such variations must be approved by the PhD Board.

Method of preparation of the thesis

For the preparation of the thesis, the student provides to acquire the knowledge necessary to possess a clear understanding of the conceptual cornerstones of the problem under investigation and the methodologies necessary to face the problem. He provides to develop the methodological tools that he wants to adopt and produces partial results and preliminary conclusions.

Admission to the third year

For the admission to the next year, two verifications are carried out during the second year: a first verification before July and a second one in October. Both the verifications consist in an oral presentation by the student in front of the PhD Board. The first one is aimed to allow the student to present the main elements of the research activity carried out, the obtained results and the further objectives that he wants to achieve. After this verification, the PhD Board provides the student with suggestions concerning the elements of the research activity that require modifications, corrections, insights or further development. The second verification aims to allow the student to present the main elements of his research activity and the state of progress of his thesis. After this verification, if the PhD Board considers positively the work of the student, the student is admitted to the next year.

List of courses / activities for the third year

More information

In the third year of the PhD course, the student is not required to attend any course.
The PhD student must carry out laboratory activities. This activity must be carried out in one of the laboratories of the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering: Laboratory of computational hydraulics; laboratory of experimental hydraulics and environmental fluid dynamics; laboratory of hydraulic constructions; laboratory of sanitary-environmental engineering; laboratory of geophysics; laboratory of applied geology and geotechnics.
The PhD student can attend seminars.
The PhD student can propose, to the PhD Board, variations of his formative plan by including courses or seminars or research and formative activities. Such variations must be approved by the PhD Board.

Method of admission to the final examination

For the admission to the final examination, two verifications are carried out during the third year: a first verification before July and a second one in December. Both the verifications consist in an oral presentation by the student in front of the PhD Board. The first one is aimed to allow the student to show the research activity carried out and present a first version, non-definitive, of his PhD thesis.
After this verification, if the PhD Board considers positively the work of the student, the PhD Board identifies two experts in that field, to which send a preliminary version of the thesis. The second verification consists in the presentation by the student of the whole research activity carried out and an updated version of the thesis. In such version, corrections and suggestions of the PhD Board and external expert must have been included. if the PhD Board considers positively the work of the student, the student is admitted to the final examination. The PhD Board identifies professors external to the PhD Board, experts in the field of the subject of the thesis, for the committee of the national final PhD examination. A copy of the thesis is sent, in sufficient time, to every member of the committee.

Final examination

The PhD final examination consists in an oral examination in which the student presents his research work to a national committee composed by professors external to the PhD Board, that have received, in sufficient time, a copy of the thesis. In this presentation, the student show the research activity carried out and the obtained results.

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