Instructor: Patrick Zabalbeascoa (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona) Title: ‘Aspects of Humour in Literary, Audiovisual and Translated texts: Multilingualism and Codeswitching: Theories and Methodologies + Analysing Multilingual Audiovisual texts’ Dates: 16th and 17th March 2022

Translating humour requires an adaptation to the culture of the target countries. Conveying humour does not consist only in translating a text, but also in understanding the spirit of the author. Otherwise, a comic situation may be lost in translation. Things arguably get even more complicated when it comes to translating multilingual texts. After a review of the main translation theories, extracts from Tom Woolf’s and Kazuo Ishiguro’s works were analysed together with their Spanish translation during this twoday seminar, revealing that misunderstood humour can be inadequately translated.

16-17 marzo 2022

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma