Il 23 ottobre alle 9:30 presso l'aula Di Fresco si svolgerà un workshop per la presentazione dei progetti di ricerca dei dottorandi al termine del primo anno.
23 October 2023
End of 1st Year PhD Workshop
October 23rd 2023 | 9:00-13:00 | Aula Di Fresco
Daniele Angelini |Information theory and market liquidity in the framework of market in-efficiency via the introduction of a distribution-based method to estimate regularity
Nicole Rossi | Statistical methods for the study of safety in the operating room: Analysis of compliance and complications risk using data from a local health unit in Italy
Maria Saiz | New quantile and expectile regression methods for longitudinal data analysis
Alessia D’Agata | Environmental issues and long-term socioeconomic processes with a view to global change: Development of socio-environmental indicators for forests evaluation
Giorgia Scognamiglio | A quali-quantitative analysis of environmental justice: the case study of Campania region, Italy
Francesco Castellano | Geographies of innovation, human capital and spatial justice: the case of the anticovid mRNA vaccine
Paolo Cardone | Remote working and new forms of work: How to rethink the territory in the light of new ways of working