Digital Organizing: practices, tools and challenges of digitization processes in organisations

Attila Bruni - Università di Trento

27 aprile 2023 ore 14:00 - 16:00 Aula B8 (Via Salaria)

Digital technologies offer new opportunities and possibilities for organisations: information moves more rapidly and communication channels multiply; routine tasks can be automated and managed remotely; collaborative software triggers more agile modes of remote coordination; digital platforms enable direct and active involvement of users and the creation of innovative organisational dynamics. These same opportunities put organisations in front of new issues and problems, involving the capacity to align and make human and technological action 'go together', in search of a balance between the social and technical elements that shape organisational processes.
The aim of the talk is therefore to outline the technological scenario in which organisations move today, highlighting the intertwining and reciprocal cross-references that occur between digitisation processes and organisational practices.

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