COVID-19 and Learning Loss: A Global Perspective

Prof. Louis Volante - Department of Educational Studies, Brock University. Professorial Fellow, UNU-MERIT / Maastricht Graduate School of Governance. President-Elect, Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE). ENGLISH SEMINAR ORGANIZED BY THE DOCTORATE

12 Maggio 2023 ore 12:00-13.30 Aula B14 (Via Salaria)

In every industrialised country, COVID-19 led to school disruptions, and in most cases, successive weeks of closures with instruction shifted online to help reduce the risk of transmission and keep students safe. This presentation summarizes some of the global trends related to academic learning losses and provides a critical analysis of the relative effectiveness of education policies. A forthcoming edited volume that examines this complex issue across Europe is also briefly discussed.

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