The PhD Program "Psychology and Cognitive Science", as far as the scope and structure of its subjects of interest, the width and interdisciplinary characterization of the Board of Professors, and the network of National and International research collaborations are concerned, complies with the criteria established by the Ministry and approved by the National Council of University (CUN) concerning “the adoption of aggregations about relevant subjects”, and “the acknowledgement of the subjects, without ruling out highly interdisciplinary innovative subjects”. With regards to its training paths, the doctoral program addresses many scientific fields which are methodologically and culturally strongly related, and characterised by evident multidisciplinary connections; the core teaching activity is based upon workshops and seminars. First-year students are also supposed to acquire a broad and critical knowledge of advanced parametrical and non-parametrical statistical methods (structural equation modelling, trend analyses, log-linear models, cluster analyses, etc.), and statistical methods for psychological testing. Also, they must fully develop their skills in experimental designs and signal analysis for psychological and physiological laboratory research.
During the first year, the students’ research activity consists of critically reviewing the literature about a specific research topic they have chosen with the approval of the Board of Professors; during the second year, the students have to run at least a pilot study aimed at investigating the main issues raised in the critical review; during the third year the students have to carry-out conclusive results from their extensive research and to write their doctoral thesis.
During the first year, courses are mainly focused on parametric and non-parametric methods (structural equations, trend analysis, log-linear methods, cluster analysis, etc.); methods for adapation and validation of psychometric instruments, experimental designs, and techniques and methods in psychophysiological and psychological research. The courses of the second year are more focused on scientific publications, peer-reviewing , fundarising. The courses during the third year are mainly focused on the experimantal projects of the PhD students and associated publication of their results.
The Route A is concerned with cognitive processes, individual differences, and states of consciousness. The Route B aims to prepare researchers who could plan and carry out research oriented to the study of cognitive processes, using all the contributions from the cognitive sciences and considering all the lifespan.