

Calendar of seminars
(calendar and program available in the downloadable file))





Funding your Research
February, 27

Peer-reviewed research evaluation
Januariy, 30

Open Data
Januariy, 21

"How Marcel Proust and Mary Shelley inspired experiments on the relation betwen sleep and memory" by Luigi De Gennaro
may and june hrs 14.00-17.00 (see poster)
The seminars involve an in-depth study, mainly with methodological and epistemological purposes, of paradigmatic experiments in experimental psychology, with the aim of stimulating critical reflection on the experimental method and the most accredited research protocols from leading international journals. The intention is to promote a critical approach to laboratory research, with the development of skills to identify the characteristics that make a study paradigmatic (see general poster). The 5 seminars are conducted in 16 hours: 1. Elegant experiments. "The contribution of Proust and Shelley to the study of the relationship between memory and sleep". 2. Elegant experiments. "The sweat of the synapses". 3. Elegant experiments. "Sleep to remember or to forget?" 4. Elegant experiments. "Sleep not to forget (or, better, "forget less") " 5. Elegant experiments. "The aberrations of scientific research (and the popularization of science)".





“Methods for intercultural cognitive research” - Thomas Hunefeldt
05/06/2019 – Sala riunioni del Dipartimento di Psicologia

“Psychophysics of sounds to Cognitive Neuroscience of Music" - Marta Olivetti Belardinelli
14/05/2019 – Sala Riunioni del Dipartimento di Psicologia

“Methods for studying Consciousness” - Marta Olivetti Belardinelli
07/05/2019 - Salariunioni del Dipartimento di Psicologia

“Methods for cognitive research in Clinical Psychology" - Caterina Lombardo
27/02/2019 - Sala Riunioni del Dipartimento di Psicologia

"I feel you" - Mariella Pazzaglia
10/07/2019 – Sala Riunioni del Dipartimento di Psicologia

"The role of epigenetics" - Diego Andolina
04/07/2019 – Sala Riunioni del Dipartimento di Psicologia

“Classical studies in Experimental Psychology” - Stefano Sdoia
14/06/2019 – Sala Riunoni del Dipartimento di Psicologia

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma