Call for application 40th cycle

Bando ordinario

Educational goals and objectives

The PhD in Computer Science aims to prepare PhD researchers in all major areas of Computer Science research. The PhD aims to provide high-quality training aligned with the highest international standards. The PhD College includes, among its members, the winners of ERC grants, IBM Faculty Award, Google Faculty Awards, Google Focused Awards, and Marie Curie Fellowship.

Our PhD researchers must be able to independently carry out and coordinate research activities in the academic world or international research institutes. Depending on their training, they should also be able to conceive and direct innovative computer system development projects to address complex, interdisciplinary problems emerging in cutting-edge industrial spheres. To this end, PhD candidates must acquire a solid foundation in both the fundamentals and applied aspects of various fields of Computer Science, understand thoroughly the scientific method of investigation, comprehend and utilize the methodological tools of other disciplines that support Computer Science and its applications, learn to evaluate, understand and interpret problems, even complex ones, characteristic of various application fields.

More specific research, teaching, and seminar initiatives have been undertaken in recent years to deepen candidates' knowledge in networks, distributed algorithms, theoretical computer science, software engineering, computer security, big data, artificial intelligence, and computer vision. This is a natural consequence of the strong interest in these areas among the college's members, substantiated and supported by numerous international awards and substantial funding from national and European projects.

Some projects, such as the European Centers of Excellence networks, Erasmus+ and Erasmus Mundus programs, and the Vinci program, provide specific funds to allow PhD students to spend short periods at the locations of other entities participating in the Centers of Excellence network.

In general, participation in research activities financed nationally and in Europe helps deepen PhD students' competencies in areas of particular theoretical and practical relevance, as well as collaboration with researchers from other institutions. Therefore, participation in funded projects is encouraged, considering it to have a significant educational impact. Also, training activities are provided to support the development of cross-cutting skills (ability to write and manage research projects on competitive calls, ability to develop innovation in its various declinations ranging from innovative entrepreneurship to the generation, protection, and exploitation of intellectual property).

Specifiche economiche

Tipologia 1: DM629
Transizione digitale Generiche Pubblica Amministrazione Patrimonio culturale
0 0 0 0

Tipologia 2: DM630 Tipologia 3: Partenariati estesi Tipologia 4: Enti terzi ed Eccellenza Tipologia 5: Sapienza
1 0 0 (+1*) 8

Senza borsa Annotazioni
3 * Dopo la pubblicazione del bando è stata finanziata 1 borsa da parte di ENEA sulla tematica “Tecniche Semantiche e di Prompt Engineering per il monitoraggio dei Servizi Essenziali”

Themes, curriculum and specific competence

Borse ex D.M. 630: 1

Admission Procedure

Qualifications assessment Evaluation of the titles filed by the candidate, with reference to the area of
computer science and related interdisciplinary topics.
The following titles will be evaluated:
- degree grade (master's, specialist or single-cycle)
- publications
- academic record (grades, awards, academic, professional and research activities,
projects, visits to prestigious universities and research institutions)
- research project
- motivation letter
- reference letters
- abstract of master's thesis

Oral interview Evaluation of the candidate's background, research attitude, objectives, achievements, and of the potential to perform scientific research in the area of computer science and related interdisciplinary topics.
language INGLESE

contacts and info
more info A PhD in Computer Ccience can have a strongly interdisciplinary focus; applications from other scientific disciplines, such as mathematics, physics, or related disciplines, are therefore encouraged.

Curriculum studiorum

Graduation date and grade of the Master's degree
detailed list of exams including completion dates and scores of Masters's degree
History of Scholarships, Research Grants (or similar)
Certificates of Foreign Languages
Certificates of participation in post-graduate university courses
certificates of Participation in research groups
certificates of Participation in internships
Other University Awards/Degrees (e.g.: awards in competition, second degree)
Computer skills

Required documentation

§ degree thesis abstract
mandatory, the file must be uploaded within le ore 23:59 del 20/06/2024

§ research project
mandatory, the file must be uploaded within le ore 23:59 del 20/06/2024

§ first letter of introduction (by a teacher)
optional, the letter must be uploaded by the candidate, the file must be uploaded within le ore 23:59 del 20/06/2024

§ second letter of introduction (by a teacher)
optional, the letter must be uploaded by the candidate, the file must be uploaded within le ore 23:59 del 20/06/2024

§ letter of motivation (by the candidate)
mandatory, the file must be uploaded within le ore 23:59 del 20/06/2024

§ Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum
mandatory, the file must be uploaded within le ore 23:59 del 20/06/2024

Language Skills

the candidate must know the following languages

Exam Schedule

Qualifications assessment
publication on notice boardNO
publication on the web siteYes
web site
date of publication03/07/2024

Oral interview
classroomAula T1, Palazzina E
addressviale Regina Elena 295, 00161 Roma
publication on notice boardNO
publication on the web siteYes
web site
date of publication29/07/2024

Day of publication of the final outcome: 29/07/2024

Evaluation scale

Qualifications assessment english version

Oral interview english version

Attenzione, il colloquio orale per l'esame di ammissione al Dottorato in Informatica (ciclo 40°) si svolgerà il giorno 22 Luglio 2024 in aula S1, presso la palazzina E in viale regina Elena 295.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma