Call for application 39th cycle

Bando ordinario (expired 22/06/2023)

Educational goals and objectives

The aim of the Research Doctorate is to provide theoretical and practical knowledge of innovative technologies and their application through a translational approach, bringing together the various specialties involved in the study of sense organ diseases including applied medical and surgical sciences and biomedical research. The approach to the study of ophthalmic and otorhinolaryngological diseases has substantially changed in the recent years due to the availability of novel diagnostic modalities, medical therapies and surgical techniques. Specifically, in the field of eye diseases, the recent introduction of innovative therapies such as the use of nerve growth factor for the treatment of challenging diseases lacking effective treatment. In addition, the use of ex vivo limbal stem cells has recently been approved for the treatment of limbal stem cell deficiency. The introduction of novel biomaterials combined with minimally invasive surgical techniques, is also improving the outcome of cataract and glaucoma. Finally, the increasing investigation on novel corneal and retinal prostheses opens up new perspectives for interdisciplinary study and treatment of orphan diseases. In the field of otorhinolaryngology, the last few years have seen the use of robotic technology for increasingly precise surgical procedures, the introduction of personalised medicine and immunotherapy in head and neck cancer, the development of hearing aids and technologically advanced and miniaturised cochlear implants, and the use of monoclonal therapies in rhinosinusal diseases.
Given the multidisciplinary nature of this approach, it is therefore necessary to have a course able to provide students with a unifying vision of the etiopathogenetic and therapeutic mechanisms involved in the development of sense organ diseases.
TRAINING OBJECTIVES: 1. Research activity within an interdisciplinary group aimed at the development of a specific project; 2. Acquisition of advanced skills on the methods to be used for the achievement of specific research objectives; 3. Acquisition of methodological skills on basic research techniques and cellular and animal models; 4. Acquisition of methodological skills on surgical techniques; 5. Acquisition of theoretical knowledge on innovative results in the field of research; 6. Acquisition of ability to share research results and discuss the content of scientific articles; 7. Acquisition of theoretical knowledge on the potential use of artificial intelligence and big data in the field of ophthalmology and otorhinolaryngology.

Specifiche economiche

Tipologia 1: DM118
Transizione digitale Generiche Pubblica Amministrazione Patrimonio culturale
0 1 0 0

Tipologia 2: DM117 Tipologia 3: PE/PNC/CN/TP Tipologia 4:Enti terzi
1 0 0 1

Tipologia 5: Sapienza Senza borsa
2 1

Tematiche, curriculum e competenze specifiche
Themes, curriculum and specific competence

C_PNRR - DM118 GENERICHE - non associata a curriculum

- Metodiche innovative per la diagnosi e il monitoraggio delle patologie degli organi di senso
Ente finanziatore: PNRR
Competenze richieste: nessuna competenza specifica richiesta
- Innovative methods for the diagnosis and monitoring of pathologies of the sense organs
Founded by: PNRR
Required skills: no specific skill required

D - DM117 - sul curriculum: MALATTIE DELL’ APPARATO VISIVO

- Progettazione e sviluppo di un modello innovativo di cheratoprotesi
Competenze richieste: nessuna competenza specifica richiesta
- Design and development of an innovative model of keratoprosthesis
Required skills: no specific skill required

F - ENTI TERZI - non associata a curriculum

- Tematica generica del dottorato
Ente finanziatore: Sanofi S.r.l.Socio Unico
Competenze richieste: nessuna competenza specifica richiesta

Il candidato sceglierà una tematica in fase di presentazione della candidatura on line

Admission Procedure

Qualifications assessment The candidate's scientific activity will be evaluated in relation to the ophthalmology and otolaryngology curricula in accordance with bibliometric criteria recognized by the international scientific community.

Oral interview In the oral examination, the Candidate will have to discuss the research project drawn up, using appropriate scientific terminology and demonstrating clarity and ability to synthesize. The Candidate will also be asked to read and translate some passages of a scientific article in English.
language ITALIANO

contacts and info

Curriculum studiorum

Graduation date and grade of the Master's degree
detailed list of exams including completion dates and scores of Masters's degree
History of Scholarships, Research Grants (or similar)
Certificates of Foreign Languages
Certificates of participation in post-graduate university courses
certificates of Participation in research groups
certificates of Participation in internships
Other University Awards/Degrees (e.g.: awards in competition, second degree)

Required documentation

§ research project
mandatory, the file must be uploaded within 22/06/2023 ore 14:00 (ora italiana)

§ first letter of introduction (by a teacher)
optional, the letter must be uploaded by the candidate, the file must be uploaded within 22/06/2023 ore 14:00 (ora italiana)

§ List of publications
optional, the file must be uploaded within 22/06/2023 ore 14:00 (ora italiana)

§ description of previous research experience
optional, the file must be uploaded within 22/06/2023 ore 14:00 (ora italiana)

§ publications (a single pdf for each publication)
optional, the file must be uploaded within 22/06/2023 ore 14:00 (ora italiana)

§ Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum
indicate the following bibliometric parameters obtained from scopus or web of science: number of publications, h-index, citations, the file must be uploaded within 22/06/2023 ore 14:00 (ora italiana)

Language Skills

the candidate must know the following languages

Exam Schedule

Qualifications assessment
publication on notice boardNO
publication on the web siteYes
web site
date of publication04/09/2023

Oral interview
classroomAula A di Oftalmologia - Dipartimento Organi di Senso
publication on notice boardNO
publication on the web siteYes
web site
date of publication11/09/2023

Evaluation scale

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file (eng):visualizza il file (eng)

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma