Call for application 38° cycle BANDO AGGIUNTIVO BORSE D.M. 352/2022 (D.M. 925 del 29 luglio 2022)

Educational goals and objectives

It is well recognized for a while the fundamental importance of the integrated use of Earth Observation (EO), Geomatics and GeoInformation (GGI) and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) methods and tools, aimed at the continuous and global monitoring of our planet, for the benefit of the knowledge and protection of the environment, the safety and sustainable development of territories and productions, the protection of populations and the quality of life on Earth.
Most of the approximately 250 indicators defined to represent the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are based on information obtained by integrating EO, GGI and ICT, whose importance is central to the activities of the United Nations initiative on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM).
The Copernicus program, coordinated and managed by the European Commission, in collaboration with the Member States, the European Space Agency, the European Environment Agency and some European organizations, falls within this framework. Copernicus is dedicated to offering for free to European and international public authorities, organizations and service providers, not only data from EO and ground sensors but, above all, services based on the information extracted from this data. The fundamental peculiarity of Copernicus is the offer of services officially guided by the needs and requirements of the end users.
The primary objective of the National Doctorate in Earth Observation (NDEO) is therefore the training of professional figures with transversal and integrated skills of EO, GGI and ICT, and specific application, administrative and legal skills, able to enhance the already existing services and to design new ones, in close collaboration with actual and potential users.
This objective is pursued starting from the broad and consolidated skills in EO, GGI and ICT already available in various Universities and public research Institutes, integrating them with specific skills available in public administrations, public foundations and companies.
NDEO, which is fully integrated into the Copernicus Academy permanent education program, develops its training and research activities in the following thematic areas: 1) methodologies, technologies and infrastructures for the acquisition, analysis and management of EO and geospatial data and information; 2) identification, analysis and management of natural and anthropogenic hazards; 3) analysis and management of crisis and emergencies; 4) water cycle and cryosphere, waters and marine and coastal environment; 5) planning and management of the urban environment; 6) agriculture, forests and environmental management of soils; 7) atmosphere, climate and climate change; 8) cultural heritage and landscape; 9) legal and economic aspects of EO and management of geospatial data and information; 10) data mining.

Specifiche economiche

Tipologia 1: DM118
Transizione digitale Generiche Pubblica Amministrazione Patrimonio culturale

Tipologia 2: DM117 Tipologia 3: PE/PNC/CN/TP Tipologia 4:Enti terzi
4 0 0 (+1)*

Tipologia 5: Sapienza Senza borsa
0 0

* Dopo la pubblicazione del bando è stata finanziata 1 nuova borsa da parte della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri - Protezione Civile

Tematiche, curriculum e competenze specifiche
Themes, curriculum and specific competence

D - PNRR352 - non associata a curriculum

- Metodologie per la sistemica spaziale (sistemi di sistemi) applicate a costellazioni di satelliti
Competenze richieste: nessuna competenza specifica richiesta
- Methodologies for space systems (systems of systems) applied to satellite constellations
Required skills: no specific skill required

D - PNRR352 - non associata a curriculum

- Metodologie innovative per la verifica di requisiti per satelliti in costellazione
Competenze richieste: nessuna competenza specifica richiesta
- Innovative methodologies for the verification of requirements for satellites in constellation
Required skills: no specific skill required

D - PNRR352 - non associata a curriculum

- Architetture per la gestione di satelliti in costellazione basati sul cloud
Competenze richieste: nessuna competenza specifica richiesta
- Cloud-based architectures for the management of satellites in constellation
Required skills: no specific skill required

D - PNRR352 - non associata a curriculum

- Architetture innovative per l'on board processing di satelliti in costellazione
Competenze richieste: nessuna competenza specifica richiesta
- Innovative architectures for on board processing for satellites in constellation
Required skills: no specific skill required

Il candidato sceglierà una tematica in fase di presentazione della candidatura on line e dovrà obbligatoriamente allegare una lettera motivazionale per ciascuna tematica selezionata (il caricamento della lettera vincola la validità della candidatura)

Admission Procedure

Evaluation of qualifications and motivation letter Candidate's qualifications and motivation letter are evaluated according to the criteria detailed in the call
language ITALIANO

Oral interview Candidate's qualifications, motivation letter and possible reference letters are discussed in reference to the topic of the fellowship for which the application has been submitted, and and the level of English language is assessed
language ITALIANO

contacts and info Per informazioni generali e amministrative inviare una email a, con oggetto della email: [DOTTORATO NAZIONALE OSSERVAZIONE DELLA TERRA] - oggetto della email
more info For additional information or specific requests on each individual fellowship, please send an email to SCIENTIFIC REFERENCE(S), indicated with the fellowship TITLE

Curriculum studiorum

Graduation date and grade of the Master's degree
detailed list of exams including completion dates and scores of Masters's degree
Graduation date and grade of the Bachelor’s degree
detailed list of exams including completion dates and scores of Bachelor's degree

Required documentation

§ first letter of introduction (by a teacher)
optional, the letter must be uploaded by the referee by il 9/10/2022 entro le ore 14.00
Please, strictly follow the attached template to prepare the reference letter

§ second letter of introduction (by a teacher)
optional, the letter must be uploaded by the referee by il 9/10/2022 entro le ore 14.00
Please, strictly follow the attached template to prepare the reference letter

§ third letter of introduction (by a teacher)
optional, the letter must be uploaded by the referee by il 9/10/2022 entro le ore 14.00
Please, strictly follow the attached template to prepare the reference letter

§ letter of motivation (by the candidate)
mandatory, the file must be uploaded within 9/10/2022 entro le ore 14.00

§ Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum
Please, strictly follow the attached template to prepare the curriculum vitae, the file must be uploaded within 9/10/2022 entro le ore 14.00

Language Skills

the candidate must know the following languages

Exam Schedule

Altra tipologia (Evaluation of qualifications and motivation letter)
notesLa valutazione dei titoli e della lettera motivazionale si svolgerà nei giorni 10 e 11 ottobre. Entro il 12 ottobre verrà pubblicato sul sito internet del corso di dottorato l'elenco delle/dei Candidate/i ammesse/i alla prova orale e saranno indicate le modalità di connessione.
publication on notice boardNO
publication on the web siteYes
web site
date of publication11/10/2022
contactsResponsabile/i della borsa per la quale si è presentata domanda

Oral interview
notesLe prove orali si svolgeranno nei giorni 13 e 14 ottobre. Entro il 17 ottobre verrà pubblicata sul sito internet del corso di dottorato la graduatoria finale.
publication on notice boardNO
publication on the web siteYes
web site
date of publication17/10/2022
contactsResponsabile/i della borsa per la quale si è presentata domanda

Evaluation scale

file:visualizza il file
file (eng):visualizza il file (eng)

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma