
The doctoral programme (gathers together a unique équipe of scholars engaged in research on the birth and historical development of languages and literary traditions in Medieval Europe (Latin, Greek, Romance, Germanic), on the written cultures which have preserved and transmitted them, as well as on the formation and development of modern and contemporary literatures in Romance languages, in Europe, Africa, and Latin America. It includes palaeographers, philologists and textual critics, specialists in Medieval Latin, Medieval Germanic Languages, Romance Philology, Old French, Provençal, Galician, Catalan, Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, French, and Hispanic-American Literatures.

Our Department hosts the Archivio Monaci and several of the most important scientific periodicals in Romance Studies and Philology – such as «Studj Romanzi» and «Critica del Testo», as well as «Letterature d’America», «Rivista di Studi Portoghesi e Brasiliani», and «Cognitive Philology», all directed by members of the academic staff of the PhD programme. It also hosts important databases which are the result of major research projects active in the Department: «Lessico europeo dell'affettività» and «LRM: Lirica Medievale Romanza» (, as well as «EDV: Epigraphic Database in the Vernacular» (,
The Dipartimento di Storia, Antropologia, Religioni, Arte e Spettacolo at Sapienza, where the Chair of Palaeography is based, hosts the Laboratorio di Paleografia, a unique collection used both for teaching and research of facsimiles and other materials (200 manuscripts, 6000 facsimiles, 500 microfilms, 5000 photographs, 6000 slides, 1800 moulds reproducing inscriptions and seals).
The doctoral programme also cooperates with the Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino (SISMEL), which welcomes students to attend stages relating to their databases; to attend their Corso di perfezionamento per lo studio della letteratura e la filologia latina medievale (conducted with the Fondazione Franceschini); and to use their library and other research facilities. The doctorate holds numerous agreements for international co-tutorships (see "co-tutorships").

SH5_2 Theory and history of literature, comparative literature
SH5_3 Philology and palaeography; historical linguistics



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