Programmed study plan for the academic year 2020/2021

List of courses / activities for the first year

Metodologie della ricerca storico-letteraria 10
Metodologie della ricerca filologica 10
Metodologie della ricerca linguistica 10
Seminario interdisciplinare 10
Attività formative e di ricerca autonomamente scelte dal dottorando 5
Attività propedeutiche alla scelta della tesi 5
Lingua straniera 5
Competenze informatiche 5

More information

The methodological courses consist of general lessons for both curriculums (Germanic and Slavic Studies), but each curriculum will be the object of an in-depth focus. The lessons can be held by members of the Academic Board, as well as by other faculty members of Charles University and Sapienza University, and by professors from other international institutions, with which the universities hold conventions or exchange programmes such as Erasmus or financed research projects. For each lesson, an annotated bibliography is offered to the students. Each pertaining curriculum will then evaluate the competences acquired by the students, thereby attributing the credits. Upon approval by the Academic Committee of the evaluation of the results, the student is allowed to enroll for the second year. Lessons by Bruno Berni, Andrea Trovesi, Camilla Miglio are scheduled in the academic year 2020-2021. Bibliographies and tasks will be assigned before the methodological lessons, in order to easily switch to online teaching, if necessary. The interdisciplinary seminar focuses on the theme "Germanic and Slavic literatures in the European socio-political context of the twentieth century". The topic partly overlaps with the subject of an international interdisciplinary research. The researchers participating in the project will illustrate their work. Italian and foreign academics will be invited to participate in the seminar. PhD students, especially those enrolled in the second year of the course, will be able to participate actively, studying independently at least one of the proposed topics. Preparatory activities for the definition of the doctoral thesis will be determined by each curriculum and aim at deepening specific aspects of the discipline (Germanic or Slavic Studies). They will be guided by members of the Academic Board or other academics. The educational and research activities autonomously chosen by PhD students (e.g. conferences and seminars in other Italian or foreign institutions, scientific collaboration) must be approved by the advisors or by the Academic Board. The PhD student must study a foreign language among those in the curriculum that he/she does not belong to, with the aim of reaching at least the ability to comprehend the written language, and must acquire the digital competences necessary to the research in the field of Humanities.

Method of choosing the subject of the thesis

Each PhD student will have an advisor chosen by Sapienza and a co-advisor chosen by Charles University. The subject of the thesis will be consulted with the advisors and approved by the Board.

Admission to the second year

A PhD student's report on the work carried out (both with regard to the in-depth analysis necessary for the choice of the thesis and for his/her other activities), must be submitted for evaluation to the advisors and to the curriculum; then, after an interview, to the Academic Board for approval.

List of courses / activities for the second year

Analisi stilistica/analisi linguistica - letterature/testi di lingue germaniche 10
Analisi stilistica/analisi linguistica - letterature/testi di lingue slave 10
Storia della critica letteraria/Storia della linguistica/Studi Interculturali 10
Corsi istituzionali e seminari presso una sede estera 15
Ricerche finalizzate alla stesura della tesi 15

More information

The lessons about stylistic or linguistic analysis, held by the members of the Board or by other academics, are mainly dedicated to the literatures and languages in which the doctoral students specialize. PhD students can choose among lessons about literary criticism, linguistics and intercultural studies according to their research profile; they are aimed at both curricula. During each lesson, a reasoned bibliography is provided. The interdisciplinary seminar focuses on the theme "Germanic and Slavic literatures in the European socio-political context of the twentieth century". The topic partly overlaps with the subject of an international interdisciplinary research. An interview to verify the skills acquired, necessary for the attribution of credits, is carried out within the curriculum of belonging. Starting from the 35th course, institutional courses and seminars must be attended in the second semester of the second year at Charles University, where a state exam must be taken before the discussion of the final thesis; other study periods abroad, aimed at perfecting individual research and the overall preparation of the student, shall be enjoyed at universities or other foreign research institutions, as part of collaboration agreements or other mobility agreements (for example Erasmus +). Upon approval by the Academic Board and with the supervision of the advisors, PhD students can carry out teaching activities (exercises, seminars and tutoring) within a maximum of 40 hours; this activities are aimed at training their teaching skills.

Academic year 2021-2022

October 29, 11 am - 1 pm
Professors Helena Březinová, Bruno Berni
Interdisciplinary seminar curated by Annalisa Cosentino and Francesca Terrenato
November 5, 3-5 pm
professors Hana Kosáková, Alessandro Niero
Interdisciplinary seminar curated by Annalisa Cosentino and Francesca Terrenato
November 12, 9 am-1 pm, 2 pm-7 pm
Applied Linguistics seminar (organized by Charles University)
on-line mode
19 November, 3-5 pm
professors Jan Wiendl, Annalisa Cosentino
Interdisciplinary seminar by Annalisa Cosentino and Francesca Terrenato
26 November, 3-5 pm
professors Laura Montanari, Stanislav Tumis
Interdisciplinary seminar curated by Annalisa Cosentino and Francesca Terrenato
5-7 pm
Prof. Anna Maria Perissutti: Methodologies of Linguistic Research
3 December, 11am-1pm
prof. Gabriele Guerra: Methodologies of literary research
prof. Rosanna Morabito
Interdisciplinary seminar organized by Annalisa Cosentino and Francesca Terrenato
10 December, 11am-1pm
prof. Bruno Berni
Traditional and Digital Archives and Libraries
5-7 pm
professors Piotr Chruszczewski, Claudio Di Meola
Interdisciplinary seminar organized by Annalisa Cosentino and Francesca Terrena
17 December, 11am-1pm
professors Marco Rispoli, Gabriele Guerra
Interdisciplinary seminar curated by Annalisa Cosentino and Francesca Terrenato
January 14, 11am-1pm
prof. Luigi Marinelli: Methodologies of philological research
January 21, 3-6 pm
Prof. Luigi Marinelli
"Loving What You Do and Doing What You Love." A conversation between Sante Graciotti and Luigi Marinelli - unabridged version.
The old professor as archive and place of memory.
January 28, 10 am - 2 pm
Professors Federica Cognola, Annalisa Cosentino, Francesca Terrenato
Seminar on Academic Writing
4 March, 11am-1pm
Prof. Joana van der Löcht
Thoughts on a literature of the 'Little Ice Age' 1550-1750
March 18, 11am-1pm
prof. Gabriele Guerra: Methodologies of Literary Research
22 April, 11am-1pm
prof. Anna Maria Perissutti: Methodologies of Linguistic Research
29 April, 11am-1pm
prof. Simone Attilio Bellezza
Dominant Traits of Ukrainian Culture
May 6, 9am-5pm
Conference on the dedication of Santa Maria della Vittoria
May 13, 11am-1pm
prof. Alessandro Niero: On metrics and translation
3-6 pm
professors Francesco Stella, Antonio Pane, Cecilia Bello, Annalisa Cosentino
The lyrical geography of Holan and Ripellino
May 20, 11am-13 pm
Prof. Luigi Marinelli: Methodologies of philological research
June 10, 11am-1pm
Prof. Urs Heftrich: About the edition of poetic texts of Slavic literatures in German translation

Method of preparation of the thesis

During the second year, under the supervision of the advisors the PhD student shall complete the research aimed at writing his/her thesis.

Admission to the third year

A PhD student's report on the work carried out (both with regard to the research carried on and for his/her other activities), must be submitted for the evaluation to the advisors, who will quantify the results achieved, and to the curriculum; then, after an interview, to the Academic Board for approval.

List of courses / activities for the third year

Conferenze e seminari di approfondimento 10
Seminario interdisciplinare 10
Conferenza di fine corso 10
Attività formative e di ricerca autonomamente scelte dal dottorando 15
Attività finalizzate alla stesura della tesi 15

More information

Conferences and seminars on the ongoing research are proposed by the Academic Board and aim to present investigation on specific themes for each curriculum (Germanic or Slavic studies). They are preferably taught by external professors, from universities with which Sapienza has scientific and didactic collaboration agreements or in the frame of other research projects, in order to present topics and researches different from those carried out within the Board. The interdisciplinary seminar, common to the two curricula, focuses on a topic included in the research lines active in the Department of European, American and Intercultural Studies. Doctoral students must take an active part in organizing the interdisciplinary seminar. In the academic year 2010-2021 it focuses on the theme "Germanic and Slavic literatures in the European socio-political context of the twentieth century". At the end of the second semester of the third year of the course, the PhD students organize a conference open to the academic community during which they present the results of their research. They devote an appropriate amount of time to writing their thesis and to other research activities (for example, active participation in conferences, preparation of reports or scientific articles). They should complete their training at a university or foreign research institution (starting from the 35th cycle, in addition to the compulsory semester spent at Charles University in the second year of the course) . Upon approval by the Academic Board and with the supervision of the advisors, the PhD students will be able to carry out teaching activities (exercises, seminars and tutoring) within a maximum of 40 hours; these activities aim to train their teaching skills.

Method of admission to the final examination

A PhD student's report about his/her activities, already approved by the advisors and the curriculum, shall be approved by the Academic Board. The Board writes a thesis presentation report, accompanied by the PhD student's report on the activities carried out during the three years; the thesis is submitted for evaluation to two external referees, appointed by the Board. After completing this procedure (and, starting from the 35th course, having completed the requirements of the joint doctorate with Charles University), the PhD student will be admitted to the final exam.

Final examination

The public discussion of the thesis takes place before a selection board made up of three members (for PhD students of the 34th course) or seven members (starting from the 35th course) chosen among the professors and lecturers belonging to the SSDs included in the Doctorate, according to art. 13 of the Regulations for PhDs and to the rules set out in the contract establishing the joint PhD with Charles University. 

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