Delivered study plan 2021/2022

The teaching activities carried out in the academic year 2021-22, see the file

Courses held in the framework of the teaching activities of the PhD School BeMM
"Fundamentals of Enzyme Kinetics" 1° and 2° year.
“Single-cell transcriptomics (theory and bioinformatic pipeline)" 1° and 2° year.
“Cellular microscopy and image analysis - Theoretical-practical course”. 
“Online tools to study the human genome”. 
“Public speaking”. 
“Bioinformatics: theory and applications from genomes to drugs”
"Ricerca documentaria specialistica. Skills for a digital world"
“Microscopy Techniques for the Life Sciences”
“Statistics” 1° year.
“Preparing Artwork for scientific papers”
“Animal models”

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