Delivered study plan 2023/2024

Epidemiology and biostatistics

Bibliographic searches – Open access
Laboratory safety
Systematic reviews and meta-analysis
Current and future trends in the laboratory diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections
La legge 219 e la relazione di cura
How to write a research protocoll
Antimicrobic therapies in the  Antimicrobial Stewardship era
CMV and HIV: what interplays, what consequences
The origin and evolution of animal viruses
Tuberculosis: old and new stories

Other activikties int the frawork of the initiatives of the School BeMM:

Animal experiments
Fundamentals of Enzyme Kinetics
Single-cell transcriptomics (theory and bioinformatic pipeline)
Cellular microscopy and image analysis - Theoretical-practical course
Online tools to study the human genome
Public speaking
Bioinformatics: theory and applications from genomes to drugs
Ricerca documentaria specialistica. Skills for a digital world
Microscopy Techniques for the Life Sciences
Preparing Artwork for scientific papers
Elena Cattaneo “Il metodo della scienza dentro e fuori il laboratorio”
Elena Cattaneo “Huntington, storia di un gene antico”
Andrea Grignolio “Dalla scuola anatomica torinese di Giuseppe Levi alla esitanza vaccinale: scienza,
politica, società”
Andres Ramos “RNA-binding proteins integrate multiple regulatory layers in neuronal development”
Alessandro Doria "Novel insights into the genetic determinants of diabetic complications”
Leandro Castellano "The p53 miRNA interactome and its potential in the cancer clinic"
Matteo Ligorio "Cracking the Pancreatic Cancer Enigma: An Overview of the Ligorio Lab"
Guillermo Velasco "What we have learned from Big Data for autophagy research"
Guido Silvestri "Patogenesi da COVID-19"
Conferenza/Forum: New frontiers in regenerative medicine
1) Thomas Rando Muscle Regeneration and Rejuvenation: A Tale of Two Stem Cells
2) Pura Munoz-Canoves Muscle stem cell aging: identifying ways to induce tissue rejuvenation
3) Feliciano Protasi Muscle remodeling in response to ageing, inactivity and exercise

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