Study plan for the academic year 2023/2024

List of courses / activities for the first year

individualized research training activities 20
training activities 20
International Winter School 10
International Summer School 10
transferable skills, projects and scientific writing 0

More information

The training structure designed for the doctoral programme, and framed in the ECTS system, provides for the acquisition of 60 credits per year (180 in total).
The training activities include common structured activities and individualised activities aimed at defining a specific profile for each doctorate (formalised in major/minor areas, where necessary).
The activities are distributed over the three years and include:
A. individualised research training activities (minimum 20 CFU/year), such as:
- Multiple supervision: the tutoring activities follow a triadic structure based on 1 main tutor and 2 co-tutors belonging to institutions and research centres in two different foreign countries.
- The presence in the PhD programme of international lecturers and experts in various continents allows for inclusion in transnational collaborative research teams.
- During the three years of training, doctoral students will be trained, encouraged and supported in the publication of their studies according to the modalities shared within the relevant international communities.
B. structured training activities 1 year (see attached file):
- The first four months of the first year are dedicated to intensive in-person and online training (November to February) aimed at the acquisition of common theoretical and methodological tools (at least 20 CFU). 
Further details can be found on the Seminars page
- International Winter Schools (10CFU): weekly intensive international seminars dedicated to the in-depth study of a specific paradigmatic approach or of a thematic area defined from time to time.
Organised by Sapienza or the partner universities.
Further details can be found on the Seminars page
- International Summer School (10CFU): international summer school of weekly duration dedicated to an in-depth study of a specific paradigmatic approach or of a thematic area defined from time to time.
Organised by Sapienza or the partner universities..
Further details can be found on the Seminars page
- During the three-year period, seminars will be organised by all the members of the scientific board and by invited international guests when possible, and specific courses dedicated to "transferable skills" as well as to the acquisition of advanced skills in scientific writing and dissemination  (additional CFUs - and acquisition of open badge certified skills These courses and seminars will be activated at the institution of affiliation or at the destination sites of the international mobility. 

Method of choosing the subject of the thesis

Once enrolled, the doctoral student is assigned a main tutor, with whom the proposed research project will be discussed and revised.
The thesis project is discussed in ad hoc sessions of the 1st year International Winter School as a formal mid-term evaluation moment and of formal assignment of the main tutor and two co-tutors at two universities in two different foreign countries.

Admission to the second year

Intermediate advancements are discussed with doctoral students in dedicated sessions of the International Winter and Summer Schools
At the end of each year, the admission of doctoral students to the following year will be evaluated.
To this end, the faculty will evaluate:
- the achievement of the planned educational objectives,
- the report on the progress of the research project and the activities carried out, submitted by the doctoral student,
- the submission of a first scientific contribution submitted or ready to be submitted (e.g., chapter, research article, review)
- the judgments made by tutor and co-tutors

List of courses / activities for the second year

Individualised research training activities 20
Structured training activities 20
International Winter Schools 10
International Summer Schools 10
"transferable skills" and other courses 0

More information

A. individualised research training activities (minimum 20 CFU/year)

B. structured training activities 2nd year (see attached file):
- The first four months of the second year are dedicated to intensive in-person and online training (November to February) aimed at deepening theoretical and methodological tools (at least 20 CFU). 
Further details can be found on the Seminars page
- International Winter Schools (10CFU): weekly intensive international seminars dedicated to the in-depth study of a specific paradigmatic approach or of a thematic area defined from time to time.
Further details can be found on the Seminars page
- International Summer School (10CFU): international summer school of weekly duration dedicated to an in-depth study of a specific paradigmatic approach or of a thematic area defined from time to time.
Further details can be found on the Seminars page
- During the three-year period, seminars will be organised by all the members of the scientific board and by invited international guests when possible, and specific courses dedicated to "transferable skills" as well as to the acquisition of advanced skills in scientific writing and dissemination  (additional CFUs - and acquisition of open badge certified skills These courses and seminars will be activated at the institution of affiliation or at the destination sites of the international mobility. 

Method of preparation of the thesis

Under the guidance of the main supervisor and co-tutors, the second year focuses mainly on the research  and in particular on the data collection and analysis phase.
This phase includes:
- the implementation of the research plan and according to the planned methodologies and tools
- the input of the collected data according to the planned methods
- the coding of data
- the analysis and processing of data with the qualitative and quantitative tools provided by the research plan
- analysis of the results obtained and discussion of the initial hypotheses
The progress of the thesis project is discussed in ad hoc sessions of the 2nd year International Winter School, as a formal mid-term evaluation moment.

Admission to the third year

Ad hoc sessions of the International Summer School will assess the admission of doctoral students to the following year.

To this end, the teaching board will assess
- the achievement of the envisaged training objectives,
- the progress report on research and activities carried out, presented by the doctoral student,
- the evaluations expressed by the tutors and co-tutors.

List of courses / activities for the third year

attività individualizzate di formazione alla ricerca 20
attività formative e di ricerca autonomamente scelte 20
International Winter Schools 10
International Summer Schools 10
transferable skills and other courses (upon approval) 10

More information

A. individualised research training activities (minimum 20 CFU/year)

Individual training and research activities
- During the third year, doctoral students will complete their training with in-depth in-person and online courses, including external ones (subject to the approval of their tutors and the teaching board) and aimed at deepening theoretical and methodological topics, as well as acquiring skills in the area of scientific communication and dissemination, design and open badge certification (at least 20 CFU). -

B. structured training activities 3rd year (see attached file and at the Seminar page)
- International Winter Schools (10CFU): weekly intensive international seminars dedicated to the in-depth study of a specific paradigmatic approach or of a thematic area defined from time to time.
Organised by the partner universities.
- International Summer School (10CFU): international summer school of weekly duration dedicated to an in-depth study of a specific paradigmatic approach or of a thematic area defined from time to time.
Organised by Sapienza, as programme co-ordinator.
- During the three-year period, seminars will be organised by all the members of the scientific board and by invited international guests when possible, and specific courses dedicated to "transferable skills" as well as to the acquisition of advanced skills in scientific writing and dissemination  (additional CFUs - and acquisition of open badge certified skills These courses and seminars will be activated at the institution of affiliation or at the destination sites of the international mobility. 

Method of admission to the final examination

During the Summer School, the admission of doctoral students to the thesis discussion will be assessed in accordance with the regulations in force.
The teaching board will assess
- the achievement of the envisaged training objectives
- the progress report on research and activities carried out, submitted by the doctoral student,
- the evaluations expressed by the tutors and co-tutors.

Final examination

The thesis must be an autonomous and original scientific product, based on research carried out by the doctoral candidate under the supervision of main tutors and co-tutors.
Given the international and joint nature of the doctorate, the thesis is written in English.
The thesis is to be entered - in accordance with the procedures in force - on the personalised web space of each doctoral student.
It is subject to a complex multi-step assessment process
(a) by the main tutor and co-tutors, by means of a tool (also including written analytical judgment) aimed at critical evaluation and providing constructive feedback;
b) by two external reviewers of high international qualification, who may propose admission to the public discussion of the thesis before the final jury or propose its postponement, in order to supplement or correct the papers;
c) by the members of the International Final Jury for the purposes of the final examination and public discussion of the thesis.
Conduct of the final examination
The doctoral student, admitted to the discussion, defends his/her thesis before the International Final Jury.
The International Final Jury is composed of a minimum of three external members, selected by the board of teachers from a list of academics proposed by the executive committee (made up of representatives of the universities signing the joint degree).
Given the current regulations, it is envisaged that the Final Jury will meet in ad hoc sessions of the Winter School and Summer School, respectively for PhD students admitted directly to the discussion or for whom the external reviewers have proposed a postponement.
Following the  discussion of the thesis, the International Final Jury will draw up a written report on the thesis discussed, with a collegial judgement. The jury shall give a unanimous vote and may award honours in cases judged to be of particular scientific importance

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