Study plan for the academic year 2023/2024

List of courses / activities for the first year

Elements of structural dynamics and modal testing 3
Microgrids optimization 3
BIM and digital twins 1
Protezione delle reti di media tensione 3
Smartgrid modeling and analysis 3

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Courses will be delivered by national and international university professors and experts from funding companies. Cooperation agreements are in place that involve the exchange of faculty members at the international level.

Method of choosing the subject of the thesis

Regarding the industrial pathways, the thesis subjects are directly defined by the funding companies, as indicated in the call for applications. Regarding the regular pathways with scholarships funded by Sapienza, they are assigned by the faculty PhD board.

Admission to the second year

The student presents to the PhD board the summary of the educational activities undertaken during the academic year and the scientific results achieved. The PhD board provides evaluations and assessments.

List of courses / activities for the second year

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Seminar and laboratory activities will be conducted by the PhD board members and by experts designated by the funding companies. Cooperation agreements are in place that involve the exchange of faculty members at the international level.

Method of preparation of the thesis

Students are required to prepare a scientific report regarding their ongoing activities and attach the scientific papers presented for publication (conferences, national and international scientific journals).

Admission to the third year

The student presents to the PhD board members the report on the training activities undertaken during the academic year and the scientific results achieved. The PhD board evaluates and assesses the work.

List of courses / activities for the third year

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Seminars, laboratory activities, and/or internships will be supervised by the PhD faculty members and experts designated by the companies. The laboratory hours are allocated for the completion of training in specific areas relevant to the assigned research topic. In research paths focused on mathematical sciences and technologies that involve the use of modeling, simulation, and mathematical optimization tools, doctoral students may have the opportunity to carry out curricular training internships within the framework of the project "Sportello Matematico per l'Industria Italiana" (Mathematical Desk for Italian Industry), which is active at the Institute for Applications of Calculus "Mauro Picone" of the National Research Council.

Method of admission to the final examination

The student presents to the PhD board a report on all the educational activities undertaken over the three years and presents the technical-scientific results achieved. The PhD board, together with representatives from the companies that have funded the scholarships, will provide an evaluation for admission to the final examination.

Final examination

A vommittee, comprised of professors external to Sapienza whose field of expertise is relevant to the assigned research topic, will evaluate the activities carried out by the candidates who have received a positive evaluation from the PhD board.

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