Study plan for the academic year 2023/2024

List of courses / activities for the first year

Statistics | I Term (GeoStat, MatStat) | M. Geraci 3
Mathematics | I Term (Optional) | A. Palestini 2
Mathematical Finance | I Term (MatStat) | C. Ceci 4
Applied Econometrics | I Term (GeoStat, MatStat) | Di Stefano & Mattera 3
Computational Tools for Statistics | II Term 3
Computational Tools for Finance | II Term 3
Economic Geography Seminars | II Term 3
Spatial Data Analysis Visualization & Mapping | II Term 4
Spatial Econometrics | II Term 3
Qualitative Research Methods | II Term 3
Multivariate Statistics with R | II Term 4
Fractional Calculus | II Term 2
Missing Values in Data Mining | II Term 2
Financial Risk Modeling and Forecasting Using Quantile Regression Methods | II Term 2
Methods of Evaluation and Microeconometrics (PhD DISSE-Eco) | II Term 4
Key Texts and Thinkers in Economic Geography | II Term 3
Technological change (PhD Eco) | II Term 5
Machine Learning for Econometrics (PhD Eco) | II Term 3
Public Policy Analysis (PhD DISSE) | II Term 3
Urban & Labour Economics (PhD SESS) | II Term 2
Casual inference with spatial data (PhD SESS) | II Term 2
Research and Publication Strategies | II Term 2
Data Sources and Indication Theory | II Term 2
Advanced Evaluation Methods (PhD DISSE) | II Term 2

More information

PhD courses during the first year are organized as follows:

1. I Term courses | November-January: First term courses in Statistics and Mathematics take place in November, and in Mathematical Finance and Applied Econometrics in January. All courses are in presence. Attendance is compulsory. First Term courses end with a final exam. Those who fail the exams will repeat them on the following months. Those PhD students that are already familiar with the contents of I term courses (see the syllabi) can ask, via their tutor, to be exempted.

2. II Term courses | February-May: Second term courses take place from February to May. PhD students decide with their tutors which courses to attend, among those included in the courses’ schedule and organized by the PhD MEF, the PhD in Economics, the PhD in Social Sciences and Economics, the European PhD in Socioeconomic Studies and Statistics and others. Students can also agree with their tutors to attend to any other advanced/PhD course organized in Sapienza or elsewhere.

During the first year, PhD students are expected to attend all the I and II term courses that are assigned to them by the curriculum coordinators and by their tutors.


The SYLLABUS for each course is available in the right column in pdf format.

The CALENDAR for the courses is at this link: title="CALENDAR">

Method of choosing the subject of the thesis

PhD students must send an outline of their research project by the end of September, to be prepared with and approved by their tutors. The document (minimum 2,000 words) includes: 1) the preliminary title, 2) a brief description of the research, its objectives, the theoretical framework, the expected outcome/findings and their contribution to advance the state-of-the-art of research on the topic, 3) a brief description of the methodology, 4) a preliminary structure of the thesis, including its format (book format or three articles), 5) the name(s) of the potential supervisor(s). On this basis, one or two workshops are organized in October for PhD students to present and discuss their research project.

Admission to the second year

Admission to the 2nd year is decided on October based on the courses attended, the results of the exams and assignments, and the research project outline and presentation.

List of courses / activities for the second year

Computational Tools for Statistics | II Term 3
Computational Tools for Finance | II Term 3
Economic Geography | II Term 4
Spatial Data Visualization Analysis & Mapping | II Term 4
Spatial Econometrics | II Term 3
Multivariate Statistics with R | II Term 3
Risk Measures | II Term 2
Bayesian Data Analysis and Computation | II Term 3
Financial Risk Modeling and Forecasting Using Quantile Regression Methods | II Term 2
Credit Risk | II Term 3
Qualitative Research Methods | II Term 5
Environmental Geography | II Term 3
Networks, Complex Networks and Problems of Decision-Making on Networks | II Term 2
Introduction to Calculus of Variations and to Optimal Control Theory | II Term 3
Microeconometrics & Evaluation Methods (PhD Eco / PhD DISSE) | II Term 3
Machine Learning for Econometrics (PhD Eco) | II Term 3
Economics of Inequality (PhD SESS) | II Term 2
Technological change (PhD Eco) | II Term 5
Poverty in a Dynamic World (PhD DISSE) | II Term 3
Public Policy Analysis (PhD DISSE) | II Term 3
Urban & Labour Economics (PhD SESS) | II Term 2
Sustainability (PhD DISSE) | II Term 4
Casual inference with spatial data (PhD SESS) | II Term 2
Research and Publication Strategies | II Term 1
Text Mining | II Term (with PhD in Statistics) 1

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During the second year there is not an ad-hoc course's schedule. PhD students can participate to any of the first year courses which they didn't attend or postponed to the second year, as well as in courses of various sorts, both in Sapienza and elsewhere, based on their specific research topic.
From the second year, moreover, attendance to scientific events such as conferences, seminars, workshops, etc., or training, courses, labs, summer schools or institutes, etc., in other universities or departments, is warmly welcome. PhD students are free to choose the activities that are the most appropriate to their research.


The SYLLABUS for the courses is available in the right column in pdf format.

The CALENDAR for the courses is at this link:

Method of preparation of the thesis

During the second year, the topic for the thesis is already outlined and PhD students develop it in collaboration with their supervisors.
To conduct part of the PhD research abroad is highly recommended. This normally takes place during the second year or at the very beginning of the third year. In some cases, a Joint PhD (“tesi in co-tutela”) agreement can be established. When the PhD research is carried out partially abroad, with a stay of no less than three months in a different EU member state, the supervisors are no less than two and affiliated to two European universities in different EU States from where the thesis is discussed, the PhD student can obtain the title of “Doctor Europaeus”.
The PhD program assist students to establish the necessary contacts to facilitate any visiting aborad or co-supervisision by foreign scholars. PhD students are also invited and assisted in the preparation of research papers to be submitted to international peer-reviewed journals as soon as possible.

Admission to the third year

Admission to the third year is assessed on the basis of the progress of the PhD research.

List of courses / activities for the third year

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As for the second year, the third year does not include a structured courses' schedule, but PhD students participate in various types of training activities, both at Sapienza and elsewhere, as well as attend and present their research in conferences, lectures, seminars, workshops, summer schools, both in Italy and abroad.

Method of admission to the final examination

Admission to the final exam is based on the evaluation of the thesis. To this end, the supervisor(s) submits an evaluation form, and a workshop is held in which the entire Council participates.
The PhD research can be submitted as either a ‘book’, or in the form of at least three research articles. The articles must be submitted before the end of the 3rd year to international peer-reviewed scientific journals, preferably indexed by the Web of Science and/or Scopus. If the articles are not published yet by the end of the third year, the supervisor should guarantee that the articles are solid enough to be publishable, and this must be confirmed by the external reviewers. Coherence among the chapters/articles is compulsory in any case. In both cases, the submission of articles to scientific journals is strongly recommended.

Final examination

The results of the above mentioned workshop, together with the supervisor/s' report, contribute to the decision to admit or not the candidate to the final defense of the thesis.
The thesis is then sent to two external reviewers who establish if and when the thesis can be discussed in front of the final commission, and after which revisions and changes.

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